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//Not Edited//


Since I turned sixteen, I always had this strange feeling of being followed and watched when I went to the store, or hung out with my friends and family, etcetera. It wasn't until three years later that I found out why I had that feeling.

I grew up in a small town in England after my parents got divorced. My mum took me while my dad took my brother. My mum decided she wanted to move and forget about all the pain she went through back in Ireland.

At five, when I was placed into school, I made my first friend: Liam. He was in my class, but for some reason people bullied him. It wasn't fair. Liam was a lovely boy.

When I was seven, we got a new boy in our class, Harry. He was...odd. He seemed to like me. I tried to become friends with him, but he wasn't looking for me to be his friend. Weird, huh? He was a loner at the age of seven. He sat in the back, and he stared at me a lot. It didn't bother me as much as it should have. He continued to do this each year of school because for some reason, we were placed in at least one class together every year.

On my fourteenth birthday, Liam took me out to a lovely little café. There, we made a new friend named Louis. He was fifteen at the time, but a few months later he turned sixteen. He worked at the café because it was run by his mum. The three of us became really close, and we basically did everything together.

When I turned sixteen, everything started feeling weird. I was used to the feeling of being watched at school by Harry, but when I started getting that strange feeling out in other places, I didn't feel safe. One time when I went to the store for my mum, it was late and I was one of the only ones there. One section of the store's lights were out that night and I needed to be over there. It was quite scary. I kept hearing footsteps behind me but chose to ignore it. I never did find out who it was either.

Another time when I went out with my friends, we sat in a restaurant talking. I felt uncomfortable as it felt like someone was watching me. I became very paranoid and looked over my shoulder ever second. My friends thought I was crazy, but I thought so too.

At seventeen I was full on paranoid and only left the house to go to school. My mum wanted to get me to a therapist to calm my nerves, but I knew I didn't need to go. I was just taking some extra precautions just in case.

At eighteen I went off to University and I felt relieved. I was in London then and I didn't feel weird. I went to classes everyday and got settled nicely in the dorm I was assigned to. My roommate was a nice guy named Ashton. He came all the way from Australia to attend the University. He became a close friend of mine, but he never fully replaced Liam.

You see, Liam didn't have the money to come to Uni with me, but he promised he would try his best the next year. Louis, he didn't want to go to University. He said Uni was for chumps, but we all knew he just didn't care for school of any type.

The next year, right after I turned nineteen, Liam made it to University. He was in the dorm across the hall from Ashton and I, and he shared his dorm with a boy named Calum. Calum, like Ashton, had come from Australia. They hit it off quite nicely.

A few months after starting my second year of University, I started getting that strange feeling again. This time, though, I ignored it as much as I could. Come to find out, that was a big mistake...or so I thought.


So this is the prologue. It's kind of...bleh and I'm sorry. I just wanted to introduce Niall's background for this story. I'm hoping chapter one will be waaaaaay better. (:

Um leave some feedback if you'd like. I'll probably post chapter one within the next couple of days. In the meantime, you can check out my other fan fictions.

Thanks for reading.

Niam to the side cause they're besties CX

Zayn and Luke are introduced later on in the story. This is just something I needed to add because many people have been commenting asking where they are. X.

Michael is mentioned in the next chapter


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