"I'll go sort myself out then" I said as I walked off into the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I peered at myself into the mirror and I looked a total mess! I grabbed a wipe from the shelf and wiped away the Black eyeliner marks on my face. I reapplied my make up and clipped my long Blonde hair to one side so that it was coming down over just one of my shoulders, the left one to be precise. Once I was comfortable in how I looked I went back into the room where Ronnie was now sat up on the bed and looking over at me "You ready?" I asked him seeing as he looked like his normal self. He stood up and opened the door for me to walk out into the living room. We went down to his car and I jumped into the passenger side before we drove off into the city. 

When we arrived at Burger King I opened the passenger door and followed Ronnie into the restaurant. "What do you want?" I scanned my eyes over the menu 

"Just a burger" 

"I'll get this" he jestured to a table for me to go sit at 

"Well good because I am totally skint" I said rolling my eyes and going to sit at the two seater table by the window. Ronnie returned with a tray of food and handed me some fries and a burger "I got you a coke as well, you like Coke right?"

"Cokes fine" I smilled up at him as he peeled his leather jacket from his tattooed arms and placed it on the back of the cushioned chair. Ronnie took a sip of his drink "So come on let's talk about Jacky" I groaned and bit into my burger, Ronnie must know a lot about Jacky by now so I may as well have given it a shot "Why is he being so cold towards me?" Ronnie shrugged "Ron come on! You must know something?" 

"I thought you would have worked it out?" I tilted my head to one side 

"Worked out what?" He took a few fries and placed them in his mouth 

"That Jacky is... well.... over you" I bit my lip 

"Over me? As in he has moved on?" Ronnie nodded looking at my face. I sighed "Well I guess I should too then" I shook my head and finished off my burger before screwing up the wrappers and tossing them in the trash, Ronnie was stood behind me "It's getting dark we should head back" I agreed and we walked back out to Ronnie's car "So I was thinking I could take you out tonight?" I looked across to him in the car as he hummed away to whatever was on the radio "Where?" He shrugged not knowing at all where we could go "And why do you want to take me out all of a sudden?" he smirked 

"Because you look like you need a good time" I laughed a light laugh agreeing obviously I then stopped laughing and turned back to him "I'm guessing everyone else will be there" I said folding my amrs across my chest "Nope just me and you, the rest are at Ryan's house playing Xbox, I was going but it won't hurt" 

"I'll take you up on the offer" I said smiling at him 

Back at Ronnie's I looked for my best attire and came across a Black skin tight dress that had lace on the sides of the waist and just above the chest area. The sleeves came down to my elbows and were also lacey. I curled my hair into quite big curls and re applied all of my make up. I grabbed my bag and cell phone before leaving my room and putting on some Lita Fords the had leopard Print up each side I met Ronnie in the car outside. I took in what he was wearing as we backed out of the parking lot. He had tight Black Jeans on with a bullet belt and a plain Red one and was wearing a Black V neck shirt with his Leather Jacket and White pointy shoes. This felt kind of weird but I knew me and ronnie were just friends and he was helping me out. "So where are we going?" I asked wondering why we weren't heading in the general direction of the city. He chuckled "An old bar I used to go to when I was younger" 

"bar?" I questioned him he nodded his head as we pulled into a parking space and both got out. We walked in to the bar together and Ronnie grabbed us both a drink "This is a cute little place" I said to Ronnie taking a sip of my Jager and coke He smiled  "I thought you'd like it" I wondered how he would know what I liked and didn't like seeing as we didn't know each other personally like that. We sat around for what felt like minutes but was actually over an hour just drinking and talking. When a slow song came through the speakers. Ronnie looked up at me from his seat "Do you want to dance?" he asked getting out of his seat and holding his hand out to me. "Seeing as we didn't get slow dance the other night" I thought back to that night when Jacky was watching me and Ronnie dance together. I placed my hands in his and he pulled me out into the dancefloor. He grabbed my hips and I put my arms around his neck as we danced together and spoke about England. He told me he really wanted to visit but couldn't sort a visa out to get over there seeing as he had a criminal record. I sighed "Well Ronnie if I could get you over there I would" I smiled up at him as the song finished and the music got more dancey again. 

I had had a really good night and was looking forward to going to bed, I was seeing Lexus tomorrow to speak about her wedding which I couldn't wait for. Ronnie opened the front door for me and I walked through placing my coat onto the back of the sofa "Thanks for tonight Ronnie, I'm going to head to bed" He pouted at me "What? what do you want Radke?" He went over to the kitchen area and grabbed out a bag of popcorn and a film that was lying on the counter he held it up to me "I thought a movie night would REALLY cheer you up" I burst out laughing and looked at the DVD he was holding it was the nightmare before christmas "Erm I don't think that's a good film choice" I said sighing and sitting on the sofa thinking how me and Jacky watched that before he left me. Ronnie studied my face from across the room "Ah ok well I have plenty of other films we could watch, you choose, look in the bottom draw under the TV" I watched Ronnie as he went over to the cupboard to find a bowl for the popcorn and I dug through his choice of DVD's I decided on a horror "How about Paranormal activity?" I shouted over 

"What ever you want" was his reply. I took the disc out of the case and placed it into the player. As Ronnie came over with a huge bowl of popcorn placing it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. I dumped myself down right in the centre of the seat with the remote as Ronnie turned out the lights. "This film makes me jump by the way" I warned Ronnie as he came and sat to the right of me. 

"Is someone scared?" He teased as I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and placed a bit in my mouth 

"Shhh" I said putting my finger to my lip. I jumped at almost every single little thing that happened making Ronnie bend over in stiches every time. About three quaters of the way through the film we had ran out of popcorn so Ronnie got up to look for some more. "Salted or sweet?" he called over to me "Erm Sweet...like you" I whispered the last part under my breath "And hurry up back over here I'm scared. I grabbed my coat from the back of the sofa and put it up to my face just leaving my eyes and the top of my head in view, so I could see the screen but pull the coat over my eyes if I got scared. I looked over at Ronnie who was still fussing over the pop corn when all of a sudden my attention was turned the other way, I heard a bang come from the window at the right of the room "Ron did you hear that?" 

"What?" he called over to me not turning around

"That bang?" He turned around this time and began walking over to me with the bowl full of popcorn. "It was probably just on the TV" I wasn't sure but believed him anyway But I heard it again ever so faintly this time "You heard that right?" I shouted at him making him jump a little

"No I didn't now stop trying to scare me Deven!" I looked at him for a second before he told me to be quiet and watch the film. It was quiet again for a few minutes until there was another bang this time Ronnie did hear it and jumped "Okay I believe you now" The curtains were drawn shut as we both looked over at where the window was. "It's probably nothing Deven, come here" he said outstretching his arms and letting me lean into him. We stayed still for a few seconds until we heard the bang again and this time Ronnie shot up and stormed over to the window. I watched as he pulled open the curtains quickly "See Dev it's nothing" he opened the window and peered out looking down at the complex entrance and the street. He closed the window again and shut the curtains before coming back over to me. I was feeling really uneasy now and Ronnie suggested we turn the film off, but I didn't really fancy sitting in silence or going to bed alone just yet. Ronnie turned the film up for me so that I didn't hear anything else. It was fine and the film was almost finished, I had my head in Ronnie's lap and my coat covering the rest of my body, facing the TV. I looked up at Ronnie as he shifted ever so slightly. He had his attention to the front door. I looked that way and the door was open ever so slightly and I saw a Black gloved hand holding it as whoever it was push it. I gulped and sat up snuggling my face into Ronnie's chest he shouted over "Who's there?" I closed my eyes tightly, my heart was racing and I was petrified when all of a sudden I heard the rumble of laughter coming from the door. I recognised it as Derek's I turned to look at them and let out a sigh of relief. The rest of the guys came through the door after Derek did and when Ronnie set his eyes on Jacky he pushed me off of me. I fell back on on to the other side of the sofa and rolled my eyes. "What the hell is she doing here?" Jacky questioned his accent coming through quite clearly. "I thought she was with you Derek?" He said shocked. Derek shrugged and Ryan told them both to shut up "Why'd you look like a ghost Ron?" He questioned 

"Were you throwing shit at my windows?" Ronnie questioned with a hint of anger in his voice. Ryan laughed and then cleared his throat realising that Ronnie wasn't joking around "Yeah only to try and get your attention we wanted to know why you didn't come over tonight? but that's clearly obvious now" Ryan smiled at me "Well we're just going to head off" Ronnie groaned and walked after the guys as they exited the apartment. I sat there hugging a pillow my heart still racing. 

Leaving Home (Jacky Vincent story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن