Part 6 - When he came home hurt

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Everyone walked in on Monday morning looking dishevelled and tired. Dad, Natasha, Tony and - "Papa!" I screamed, running at him, but Dad caught me around the waist and stopped me, holding me prisoner against him, stroking my hair back gently, but his metal arm wrapped securely around my waist. 

Papa was caked in mud, blood dripping from a gash on his cheek.
"Hey, baby girl. Look, I'm fine. It looks worse than it is because I haven't showered. I promise I'm ok." He muttered, leaning heavily on Tony's shoulder and limping a little bit. I struggled against dads grasp, but I was no match for his metal arm that had closed around my stomach.
"Dad, please. Let me go to him!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Honey, no, I'm sorry. Let him go and clean up first, then I'll let you at him."
Papa limped out to his room, and once the doors were shut, dad let me go, but only long enough for him to spin me around. He crouched in front of me and hugged me tight to him. "What happened?" I whispered into his shoulder.
"He got hit by some weird alien thing. He's ok. Nothing's broken, nothing strange going on, just a little sore and cut up." He explained, rubbing my back and not letting go.

Papa came back in half an hour later, in normal clothes now, hair still a little damp. Dad had to let me go quickly otherwise I would have half pulled him from the couch with me at the speed I moved, running across the room and throwing myself at papa. He hugged me close to him, rubbing my hair down, then picked me up and hugged me to his chest. The gash on his cheek was sealed up, no longer bleeding, but he still limped a little on his left leg. "Hey, baby girl. I'm ok, everyone's ok." He soothed, kissing my cheek and pushing my fringe away from my eyes.
"I love you, papa." I murmured. "What happened out there?" 

"It was supposed to be a simple extraction to get Natasha and Clint out, but it didn't go to plan. Loki beat us there and the chitauri, like from New York, came back through a different portal." He explained exasperatedly. "He was nice enough to close it by himself this time, but one of them managed to get me with something, like a tiny bullet, but straight through my kneecap."

"Oh my god!" I said, pulling away, "Are you OK?" 

"Is who OK?" James walked in and hugged dad before coming over to me and Papa. 

"Me, but yes, I'm ok. The serum healed me pretty fast, so I'll have another scar to add to the list, and probably be a little sore for a day or two."  Papa explained to James, lifting him onto his hip. "C'mon, we're going out for Shawarma, classic post-battle food. You both coming?" We nodded excitedly, and dad snook up behind me and lifted me onto his shoulders.

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