"It was a hug!" I yelled back.

He hit my cheek before walking across the room. He looked at me with an awful grin on his face.

"A hug?" He laughed sarcastically. "Just an innocent hug right?"

"Alex just calm down." I said.

He moved closer to me but I started to back up, my body once again hitting the wall.

"Alex you're scaring me." I whispered.

"Good." He growled.

"Please just stop."

He grabbed my throat and continued to talk.

"When are you going to fucking learn that you are mine. I own you. You listen to me when I tell you to do things."

"Alex-" I struggled to say before he put his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up! God do you ever shut up?" He yelled.

I was having trouble breathing.

I put my hands on his and tried to pull it away.

"What? You want me to move my hand?" He asked and I nodded as best as I could with him holding my head down.

"Why? Can't breathe?"

I shook my head but stopped because my vision was becoming blurry and my head started to spin.

I blinked a couple of times before my eyes got heavier.

My hands fell from Alex's and everything turned black.

***Ashton's POV***

"Who was it?" Katie asked.

"Annie." I said thinking.

"Are you serious?" she said to me.


"She has your cell phone number?"

"Well yeah. How else would we be able to talk?" I said confused as to why she was making such a big deal out of this.

"You aren't supposed to talk outside of work Ashton!" She yelled.

"We don't! I might have told her to have a good day once or twice. But that's all I swear." I said.

"Why don't you tell me to have a good day?" She asked.

"I do. All the time. And I tell you that I love you. Is that not enough?"

"It's more than enough, but everything for the past month is Annie this Annie that. 'Annie did the funniest thing today.' 'Hey Katie guess what Annie said.' I swear she's the only thing that you ever talk about anymore."

"Why is this such a big deal? We're friends. So what?"

"She. Is. A. Girl."

"You're friends with Charlie." I defended myself.

"Charlie's gay!" She yelled.

"That doesn't mean anything okay. Annie has a boyfriend and she loves him. And I love you. I don't see the big deal."

"I just get insecure sometimes." She sighs.

"You have no reason to be." I said.

"When did Annie start working here?" She asked me.

I thought for a moment. It seemed like I've known Annie for years but in reality it's only been about a month.

"A month ago?" I said questionably.

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