129 (pt.1)| De Verdad Me Gustas

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The speed of the motorcycle was so high that they felt like being wrapped with the ice. There was nowhere to hide. He Jin felt so painful with the wind that he couldn't help but shed tears. Then, those tears would freeze at the corners of his eyes, and it was such a pain. However, He Jin still felt very excited. When they almost reached the mountain top, the road was too steep and they couldn't go any further by motorbike, they had to climb up themselves.

The snow was so thick and it almost got to their knees. Walking on it was so difficult. He Jin and Qin Yang got off the car and climbed up using both their hands and feet. The exhaled hot air turned into frost on their eyelashes and noses.

He Jin dared not open his eyes, he just opened them a bit to see the road. He's actually worried to have his eyeballs frozen if he opened them more widely!

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

With much difficulty, they finally got to the mountain top. It was much, much colder than the bottom. Qin Yang held He Jin's hand, and the two struggled to find the tent that the guide had made for them. Because of the snow, half of it was already buried in the snow.

They struggled to get the tent out, zipped it open and got inside immediately. They switched on the light and held each other tightly, just like surviving after a catastrophe!

After a while, He Jin started to feel the warmth of his feet. He trembled, "it was just too cold, I'm numb all over." He was so cold that he couldn't think nor speak.

The two sat on the warm pad of the tent. Qin Yang held He Jin from behind and asked, "do you feel better now?"

"Yeah." He Jin relaxed and rested in the arms of Qin Yang. He never had such a strong sense of security, and he had never relied on Qin Yang as he was now.

Looking at the stars and the blue sky, He Jin thought, if he had absolutely nothing to consider or worry about, he would really think of being together with Qin Yang the whole of his life. But they'd have to face the reality after going back. And since he's so pessimistic, he was sure that there were no ways for two men to be together forever.

Qin Yang was just too good, he has a free spirit, he's unruly; but He Jin was like being tangled by a spider web, he couldn't do anything out of free will.

Although they were together now, He Jin felt like walking on thin ice, and he'd never know whether he'd trip. He didn't know if he could climb back up either.

Qin Yang kissed his frozen cheeks. He Jin tilted his head and couldn't help but search for his lips. He kissed him fiercely and trembled. For the first time, he was so proactive, as if there was no tomorrow.

He wanted to thank Qin Yang for the sweetness and excitement that he gave. Thanks to Qin Yang, he could eventually be dragged out of his dull life. He thanked Qin Yang to have satisfied all his wishes regarding love and youth...

Only for this period, no matter how long it's going to last. I'm going to be with you and you're going to be with me. Your existence is going to be the best memory in my life.

The sun slowly rose, Qin Yang opened the tent and took He Jin out. Qin Yang felt so excited for He Jin's gesture just now. He shouted in the snow, "He-Jin-I-Love-You!"

He Jin's heart was beating furiously. At this moment, he didn't care whether it's a rational act, he also shouted, "Qin-Yang-I-Love-You-Too!"

He Jin didn't know why, but at the most happiest moment, he felt a bit sad at the same time, the corners of his eyes were a bit wet.

Qin Yang's hair slowly turned white because of the snow, and there's frost on it. The two seemed to have aged for a few years.

The time passed very slowly, like it's the eternity.

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