Part 5 - Rockabye Sweet Baby James

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A/N - Based on the song 'Sweet Baby James' by James Taylor. I grew up on his music, and it just seemed to fit so well. Just thought I'd say some tears were shed writing this; my grandparents used to play this to me, and as they're no longer with me, this song always makes me think of them. 

OK, depressing part over

On with the story!


I saw the back of Bucky's head when I walked in, sat on the couch, but it was so late, why was he still up? I walked a little closer, but stopped when I heard something.

He sings out a song which is soft but it's clear As if maybe someone could hear

Goodnight you moonlight ladies
Rock-a-bye sweet baby James
Deep greens and blues are the colours I choose
Won't you let me go down in my dreams
And rock-a-bye sweet baby James And rock-a-bye sweet baby James

"There we go," Bucky soothed. "Go to sleep now, my sweet baby James." He kissed the baby in his arms and settled back in the couch himself. He was asleep within seconds

I didn't want to spoil there moment, it was so rarely Bucky got to have such a precious time with his baby, so I left them to it, not before Kissing his forehead, and headed to bed as quietly as I could. Checking quickly on Tory, I went back to sleep, deciding to bring it up tomorrow.

~Next Morning~

My alarm went off at half past five, and I got up to go for my run.

Heading quietly past my still asleep husband and baby, I made the choice to get breakfast in the common room with Sam, instead of risking waking them up.

"Hey, man. You never eat in here, what's up?" Sam greeted me, sat at the table with a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice.

"I walked in on a very precious moment last night and didn't want to wake them up." I said, grabbing my own cereal and pouring a coffee.

"Care to elaborate?" Sam pressed.

"Bucky and James were still on the couch when I got in this morning, so I went to check, but didn't get very far. I heard Bucky singing James to sleep, a song I didn't recognise, but they fell asleep like that and were still on the couch this morning." I explained.

"How did the song go?" He asked. Sam was like a music dictionary – if there was a song Sam didn't know, it probably wasn't worth knowing.

"Something about 'moonlight ladies' and 'Sweet baby James'?" I replied uncertainly.

"Oh, yeah. It's literally called 'Sweet Baby James'. It's by James Taylor. Damn that's a classic, and an oldie too. 1970, a little before my time, but my mom was obsessed with his stuff. I grew up on him." He stated fondly. "Anyway, are we heading out or are we going to stay here all morning?" He started, abruptly standing up and putting his empty bowl in the dishwasher.

"Yup, let's go."

We got back around an hour later. I'd pushed myself for about twenty minutes, lapping Sam endlessly, but slowed down to his pace after a while.

I showered downstairs, still not wanting to wake them up if they were asleep, then headed – as quietly as I could – back into the apartment. Bucky and James were exactly where I had left them but were both awake.

"Morning, doll." He greeted. "Good run?" I nodded and went over to take James from him.

"Hello there, my sweet baby James." I said with a smirk, trying to ease Bucky into the prospect that I'd heard him last night.

"Don't think I didn't know you were there last night. You're crap at sneakin' around, as much as I hate to break it to ya." He said. Somehow, his old Brooklyn drawl was stronger this morning. "But I appreciate ya leavin' us to it. I haven't had much time with them lately." He said, slight sadness in his eyes.

"Tell you what, I'll take James out grocery shopping with me today, seeing as you had him all night, and you can have the morning with Tory; she should be awake soon." Bucky smiled at this. "See, there's a solution to everything." I mumbled, kissing him.

The small bundle squirmed in my arms. "Oh, gettin' jealous are we?" I teased, the kissed his forehead too. "C'mon little man, let's get you dressed then you can come shopping with me. Oh, yeah, Buck what actually happened last night? You're never awake that late?"

"I – erm – had an episode, you weren't there, and needed the contact." He murmured awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. 

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