The assault

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At leaf headquarters,the heroes where just relaxing and doing there own things. Solar flare was just siting on the couch on her phone until she'd started to wonder about something,like something was missing,and figured it out,she'd wonder were was she went to green shadow to ask her if she seen him. "Hey shadow,have you seen nightcap anywhere?" Said solar flare,"nope haven't seen him"said shadow until their was a knock on the door. The two girls went to see who it was. They opened the door and by surprise it was nightcap with cigarette in his mouth."Hey nightcap what's up"said solar flare while giving him a hug and shadow waving at him."so how do you feel nightcap?"said shadow."I'm fine" said nightcap as he sat on the couch while smoking his cigarette. Solar sat on the couch with nightcap because he looked kinda depressed."Hey nightcap you okay" said a worried solar flare while holding his grey hand."solar I'm fine really it's just tha-" but before nightcap could speak,the alarm went and beta carotena ran to the heroes warn them about an assault by the zombies on the leaf headquarters. All the heroes then ran to the front yard and saw about 30 foot soldiers and couple of allstars.the heroes don't know why there here but didn't care and began fighting. Foot soldiers were shooting like ramped but wall knight and citron were blocking the bullets. Solar flare was flying in the air,blasting the all stars and some of the soldiers,until one soldier shot her down with a rocket. Everyone saw this while nightcap ran too her to find out she was only just knocked out but badly damage.this made nightcap start to become in a full rage. An purple aura started to flow around,his eyes turned red,and his teeth started to grow sharped like dragon teeth. The foot soldiers were frightened and started to retreat but it was too late,nightcap started to kill every single one of them. The heroes were also so frightened that they couldn't do anything but just watch him murder every single zombie.when nightcap killed the last zombie,he started to turn back to his normal state and looked at the other heroes,seeing there terrified looks. The heroes still stood in silents until captain combustible walked towards him and punched him in his face."WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU DOING!!!" Screamed the captain ,"took down our problem" said nightcap while pulling out another cigarette from his pocket."Did you really have go that far with"said grass knuckles while giving him a mean look."listen here old man and mike Tyson,those zombies shot our friend from the sky,what did you want me to do about it? Let them get away with it?!"said nightcap as they all stood in silent again until shadow walked to all three of them and looked at nightcap."listen here you grey skinned goth, if solar flare saw you right now doing this,she would call you a freak and never speak to you ever again"said shadow as nightcap started to have tears in his eyes while dropping his cigarette. Shadow then reliesed what she said,"wait nightcap I'm-" but it was too late as nightcap teleported away in full sorrow while everyone was shocked on what she said." didn't have to do him like that"said citron,"I know but I was just so angry with him doing this"said shadow as all the heroes then walked back in base to sit down and sent solar to the hospital.

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