Fight for the top

Start from the beginning

Once everyone was freed from jackal's pack everyone of the survivors minus eve picked up the closest gun to them and, started popping caps into whatever hunter or huntress that was crazy or stupid enough to get close. Eve on the other hand was embracing her inner doom guy and started to rip and tear her way through the hunters and huntresses that tried to attack her.

Back with the alphas y/n and jackal were struggling to land a hit on spike. Spike even started to taunt them as he bobbed and weaved through their attempts to attack him while he hit them for every attack they miss.

This fucker need to die. Thought y/n and Jackal as they glanced at each other nodding their heads before turning their attention to spike. Jackal jumped at spike causing spike to lean out the way of his attack but, as he did he got sliced on the side by y/n who had followed up behind jackal. Spike backed away from them holding his side while growling at them. Y/n ran up spike this time and threw a punch with his electric glove crackling with electricity. Seeing this spike leaned back to avoid the punch only to get gashes slashed onto his back courtesy of jackal. Spike turned to jackal swiping at him ready to rip open his throat or he would have if he hadn't received a dynamic entry to the face from y/n launching him away from the two of them. This continued on for a bit before spike got increasingly pissed off with the beating y/n and jackal were giving him and that type anger will lead one to do something drastic and often very foolish.

Spike jumped at jackal trying to pin him down and finally take him out. Instead of pinning jackal the intruding alpha found himself being thrown away from his intended target and into y/n's gloves hand. From there y/n electrocuted the alpha causing him to screech from the pain. With spike incapacitated from the shock to his system y/n slammed spike's head into the ground then activated his shoes thrusters , and flew towards the closest building while dragging spike along the ground. Once he got close to the building y/n slammed spike into the side of the building before he ripped spike from the side of the building and slammed him into the ground with so much force he planted spike's body through the concrete.

Tree planted. Thought y/n as he walked over the corpses of the dead hunters and huntresses of the two packs until he was in the ring made of corpses with jackal.

"A-Alright jackal you, you ready to end this?" Y/n asked as he tried to get his breathing under control.

Jackal nodded his head as they got ready to finish their fight. They rushed at each other once they were close enough they threw a punch into the others face.

"I win." Y/n said much to jackal's confusion until he caught a glimpse at the fist y/n threw and to his shock it was the electric glove he was wearing and it was about to release another electric shock.

OH SHIT! Was all jackal was able to think before volts of electricity through his body then he fell to the ground twitching. Though he was twitching he still had just enough movement control to flip y/n off.

"Come on let's head to the safe house." Y/n said as he started walking down the road with eve following behind him.

"Now that's a plan I can get behind." Louis said as started stepping over corpses along the way. The rest of the survivors followed suit while they walked away the huntress that had tracked them down walked over to jackal who wasn't twitching as bad as he was.

"What now alpha?" The huntress asked

"I'm no longer your-r-r alpha h-he is your alpha now and I believe he said to go to one of those rooms with the red door." Jackal said as he pointed in y/n's direction.

"But.." The huntress started to say unsure of what to do.

"Don't worry you'll be fine I mean he kicked my ass so he's strong enough to protect you." Jackal said

"Right." The huntress said still a little unsure about y/n but was slowly accepting the fact that that human is now her alpha.

My new alpha The huntress thought as she followed y/n from the rooftops.

This is what your vambrace looks like.

I know this took awhile to be put up but I was busy with preparing for thanksgiving and had to work hard to make sure Christmas worked out

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I know this took awhile to be put up but I was busy with preparing for thanksgiving and had to work hard to make sure Christmas worked out. Speaking of Christmas I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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