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"William?" Roman stood there frozen as Will just smirked holding a newly written script in his hand. "Is that really all you came for?" 

"Why wouldn't it be, Roman? You said you had it done." Roman could feel his chest tighten as his mind went reeling. 

"I don't understand."

"What's there not to understand? You told me you finished the script..." Will waved the paper a bit before crossing his arms with a raised brow. "... so I came to get it. It's pretty simple, Roman."

"No... What I don't understand is this." Roman reached out towards Will, who shifted so Roman couldn't touch him. "What happened to us, Will? Ever since I finished that one play for you, you've been distancing yourself. I thought we..."

"Roman, you are very talented." Will smiled as he cut Roman off, who honestly felt his body start to shake. "But you are also very VERY stupid." That was like a blow to the chest. Roman's hand went to his chest feeling how it began to burn. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't know anything about this world."

"So I have things to learn... that's what I'm doing... learning." Will just sighed as he pointed the script over at him.

"That's not the point I was making Roman. You're stupid... and you're easy." Roman flinched as the air seemed to leave him. He didn't understand... why was he in so much pain? "You're easy to trick... to fool... to use."

"Use? You... You were using me?" Will laughed making Roman's head start to spin. The ex-god just stood there stunned as the man he loved shrugged with an evil smirk. 

"At first it was about your acting. Like I said you're talented. I HAD to have you performing my shows. It drew people to them as if you had this aura that made people want to listen." Romans throat began to burn as he struggled to hold back his screams. He was in immense pain. "Then you started writing and everything just clicked. My name is going to go down in history because of you."

"So, what?" Will shot him this look as Roman's voice shook. "I was just a tool?"

"You were my ticket to fame, Roman. That's all." Will started for the door just as Roman snapped. The door slammed shut right before Will could leave making the writer tense up in shock. "People are going to remember the name Shakespeare."

"That's all I was to you?" Will froze in fear as he slowly looked back to see Roman's eyes glowing a bright and dangerous scarlet. "I gave up everything for you." 

"R-Roman?" The ex-god's eyes narrowed as Will slowly backed away from him. "What... What are you?"

"See that's the thing, Will. I gave up EVERYTHING!" Roman yelled as his hands ignited making Will flinch away. "I gave up my home. I gave up my divinity. I GAVE UP EVERYTHING FOR YOU!" Roman could feel as his eyes began to water. "I thought... I thought if I could just get that kiss then... Then I could spend forever with the man I loved but... You're right." Roman just seemed to collapse as he smiled sadly. "I was very stupid. Loves nothing but pain. It's not worth it." Roman waved his hand over the door letting it fly open as Will jumped in surprise. Their eyes met for a second and Roman tried to smile but his tears made it look all kinds of wrong. "I wish you the best, Will, but..." Roman snapped setting the script in Will's hand on fire. Will jumped throwing the script before running out the door as fast as he could. "It's going to be without any of my works to help you."

Roman dropped to his knees clutching his chest as his body wracked with pain. It was hard to breathe. He couldn't move. He was shaking so bad as tears fell from his eyes burning his skin like scolding water it was, as his blood boiled inside him. His heart literally felt like it was breaking into tiny pieces.

"Re..." Roman cried as his body twitched slightly. He needed his brother. He needed help. "Remus!" Roman tensed as this blast of cold air cascaded through the room. He forced himself up gripping his dresser tightly as he stared in the mirror. "Remus?" Roman let his fingers rub against his face seeing what looks like a shell burning into his skin. "Remus..."

"I'm sorry." Roman jumped as his eyes met with those electric green ones from the shadows. He watched his brother slowly walk closer and he could feel the chill coming off of him. "I'm... I'm sorry Roman."

"Why?" Remus frowned as Roman collapsed onto the floor again no longer able to support himself through the pain. "Why does it hurt so much? I don't want to feel this anymore. Please..."

"Please, what?" Roman tensed as Remus knelt down in front of him. Remus couldn't stand seeing his brother like this. The clear pain in his eyes... the tears that refused to stop falling. 

"I want to go home." Roman could feel the burning in his throat get worse as he suppressed the sobs that wanted to escape him. "Please, I just want to go home."

"I'm sorry... I can't." Remus tried to offer comfort by reaching out but just flinched away making him stop and sigh. "Roman, you made a deal. You signed a contract. You can't get your divinity back until you get that kiss."

"But... can't you just... like throw out the contract?" Remus slowly shook his head making that pit in Roman's stomach worse. "So I'm stuck. I'm stuck here..." 


"Can you take the pain away?" Remus's eyes snapped up to his in shock seeing Roman clench his chest.  "C-Can you make me forget?" Their eyes met and Roman's boiling blood instantly chilled seeing the regret in his brother. "Can you do anything?"

"I want to. Roman, believe me, I want to but... I don't know what I can do. If I make you forget... You'd just get hurt again." Roman curled up into himself as Remus tried to hold him again. His hand brushed against Roman's arm who jumped but made no attempt to move away. "I don't want that for you. Regardless of how I am... You're my brother Roman. The last thing I want is for you to suffer. I love you, brother."

"Love is stupid." Remus's eyes darkened as Roman's voice shook. "I never want to love to again."

"Roman, please be rational..." Roman glared over at Remus with pain and rage making the darker god tense up. "Roman... If you don't get that kiss..."

"So be it. I'm never going to love again."

To Break A CurseWhere stories live. Discover now