Chapter 1

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Rape, kidnapping, and murder are mentioned so read with caution!!

Izuku was 4 when he was watching the legendary clip of All Might's debut with watery eyes. Despite his recent quirkless diagnosis, he was silently hoping that he can somehow still be a hero.

Being a hero was Izuku dream and his only dream for what he wanted for his future. To be someone to look up to and feel safe with his presence alone like All Might.

But his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sound of breaking glass, followed by his mother's screams. Izuku had never listened to his mother scream like she is right now, so he slides off the chair, clutching the blanket around him tightly before rushing to peek through the door.

Izuku can barely process what's going on when his mother's panicked screams to spare him are cut short. He couldn't do anything but watch with wide eyes as the hands of a stranger harshly grab the sides of Inko's head before swiftly snapping it.

It was only when Inko's body drops to the floor lifelessly does Izuku make his presence known, tears dripping down his cheeks as he lets a shaky "Mom?" leave his lips. His mother's killer turns to him, and a mass of black and purple mist comes into his blurry view.

"Can I kill the kid too?" The man in the hoodie asks, almost sounding eager to do it.

More tears fall from Izuku's eyes, and he starts shaking when he sees the malicious glint in the man's eyes, which is the only thing he can see due to the large hoodie hiding most of his face. However, the moving mist looks at the man and narrows his large, yellow eyes at him.

"No. I believe he will be of use to Sensei," The mist says before inching closer to Izuku, ignoring the complaints from the man in the hoodie.

"Midoriya Izuku"

Izuku backs away, not knowing what else to do.

"You'll be coming with me," And he's engulfed in the man's mist.

Izuku's eyes open with a start, but he recovers quickly since reliving the night his life changed has been a constant for the past 8 years. He looks at the shackles around his wrists with a sigh before sitting up from the freezing floor.

The thin shirt and shorts he's wearing do nothing to shield him from it.

The chains connecting his shackles to the walls make noise as he brings his legs to his chest, hugging himself as he wants for his punishment. He knows that fighting against orders is wrong.

But he's sick of having to deal with people forcing themselves into him. He can deal with punishments more than dealing with that since he can never get used to the pain and aches he gets from it.

Izuku just doesn't want to deal with any of it anymore, and even though he knows he has to, it just hurts. At least when Hitoshi is around, he can comfort him and give him the strength to endure it all.

But right now, he's alone, stuck in the dungeon that's his room, closing his eyes as familiar footsteps near his door. The door opens, and Izuku opens his eyes to see Tomura walk in with a disappointed stare in his red eyes.

"Izuku," He starts before walking up to him and harshly bonking the top of his head.

"You know better than to go against what Sensei wants. Why hesitate now?"

Izuku stays silent, not knowing what to say since Tomura doesn't really understand what Sensei, what All For One puts him through for the sake of spreading his influence. And Izuku isn't allowed to tell him the truth either, or else Sensei will hurt Hitoshi because they both know that Tomura would try to put a stop to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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