"what's my name? " - m.yoongi

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"how... dare you." i spat. i couldn't even breathe anymore. i run my fingers through my hair to keep myself calm, but obviously that didn't work.

"yoongi... i-i am so sorry-

"shut the fuck up!" 

small tears started to drop out, this pain was too much for me.

 "you aborted the baby without my fucking permission!" I spat

 " yoongi, I had to... I have a boyfriend. if I didn't do something he'd kill me... "

 "so. SO?!" 


 " you killed a human being! my own child. my own son.... he didn't even get to experience a ducking second in this earth. and you decided to take away his life like he was some ant. you fucking fool. "

 "but I had to.. I am only 18! I am not ready to have a child yet; i am still a kid as well! I am still in university! I hadn't graduated yet! I didn't want a child either or get married! I have the right to decide if I should abort the kid or not! it is my body. my life."

 "so you now have the courage to talk back now?"

 " y-yes" shalissa muttered.

 "you idiot."

i walked towards her, she started shivering even more. good. she should be scared of me. 


"shut up!"

to be continued.

237 words


Melenated. - BTS AMBW ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant