So he walked me to class and went about his day then Brandy and Tyrone saw me and started asking questions about why I'm on crutches.

Brandy: Why the fuck are you on crutches

Tyrone: He probably fell

Me: Yea that's excatly what happened

Brandy: Ok what did you fall off of

Me: No comment

Brandy: C'mon ... Wait did you fall off the pull-up thing while doin sit-ups

Me: Um ... Yes

Tyrone: Dumb Ass

Me: Thanks I already knew that

Brandy: How long will you be like this

Me: Two weeks ... two weeks ... oh no I'm gonna heal

Tyrone: what you mean

Brandy: Ym ima see y'all later I see my boyfriend doin to much

Brandy walks away and Tyrone started asking me about my life. It actually kinda cute how he was so into the conversation and genuinely caring about what I have to say.

Tyrone: I bet you can't play all the sports you wanted to

Me: (laughs) me sports

Tyrone: What you don't play sports

Me: No I sing, dance, act, and write things

Tyrone: Really

Me: Yes ... so you play sports

Tyrone: Well no I actually do everything you do except for acting and writing. I make beats

Me: We can be group

Tyrone: Yep

Me: Let's do it ... Wait we need some background singer

Tyrone: Yep we can get some sexy ass girls in the background

Me: Um no 1 you want them to girls so you can fuck on the both of them and 2 their voices are way too high to harmonize with them

Tyrone: Well There goes my idea

Me: you doin to much

Tyrone: no im not ... anyways what type of music you like

Me: Um I like r&b and maybe a lil bit rap but I like music from the 90s and early 2000s mostly. What about you

Tyrone: Same type of music

Me: Really

Tyrone: Yes but here's the problem

Me: oh yeah I got one too

Tyrone: Say at the same time in three

Diary Of A Black Gay KingWhere stories live. Discover now