Part 77

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The Homra bar had spiked in popularity only a month or so after everything with the Slates, no doubt because our reputation of ruthless thugs was switched around to the city heroes, and now that people weren't afraid of us, more and more guests would pile in to the place.
Kusanagi was insanely happy, but soon enough he had to hire some help, so now our two beautiful boys Akegi and Chitose were bar tenders - and they took some hefty pride in it too.
It was a good way for them to get girls, I guess.
Misaki had also been hanging out a lot more with Saruhiko, rebuilding their friendship and doing well now that they were both fully healed and recovered from the missions events. I had heard many stories of the idiotic things they did together now, like they had never hated each other in the first place.
Izumo and Seri were getting closer too, ad I swore with Yata and Saru that they were dating as we sat together in one of the booths for lunch.
"Speaking of dating, I never found out if Misaki was still a virgin or not?" Saru asked, glancing in between us.
"T-that's not a question you ask so simply, bastard!" Misaki yelled, his face red, which pretty much gave away the answer right there.
Saruhiko hummed, unsatisfied, "Well, Yuri? Is he still a virgin?"
"No. Now shut up."
"SHUT UP!" Misaki snapped, silencing the two of us for a moment before he came up with something to change the subject, "Anyways... Yuri, your birthday's coming up right?"
"Oh yeah, it is! April 14th!" I cheered, now more excited for my birthday than I had been in a long time. I had a feeling it would be really fun this time around.
"Are we gonna throw a huge party or something?" Saruhiko asked.
"That is not something we discuss in front of the birthday girl, Saru! I was just confirming what day it was!"
"You don't know you're girlfriends birthday? Dude-"
"You're really getting on my nerves monkey! Of course I know her birthday! Confirming! I was just confirming!"

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