The guards gave each other smirks and saluted their king before leaving the guard house. Hiccup grabbed the keys from the hook on the wall and unlocked the shackles that bound him to the table. Davos looked at him confused, but that confusion was quickly replaced with terror when he grabbed Davos and threw him across the room and into a wall.

"You are going to tell me everything about Snotlout and the Outcasts that you know or I am going to make you feel so much pain you beg to die," growled Hiccup as he slowly approached Davos. 

Davos staggered to his feet only to have Hiccup punch him in the gut making him double over in pain. Hiccup then drove his knee into the jaw of Davos making him fall backwards and onto the floor.

"Now talk!" shouted Hiccup as he kicked Davos in the sternum making him gasp in pain, "I can't! He'll kill me if I say anything!"

Hiccup grabs him and hoists him into the air with one hand, "I'll kill you if you don't! There are plenty of other Outcast's out there for me to hunt." Hiccup pulled out a dagger to illustrate his point.

Davos gulped, "I'll talk! Just don't kill me!" Hiccup smirked and threw Davos back to the ground. "Snotlout is on Raven's point! That's where he's hiding!" cried out Davos as he curled up in fear attempting to hide himself from Hiccup's wrath.

"If you're lying I'm coming back to kill you," snarled Hiccup as he exited the guards house. As he was leaving Astrid found him, "I heard that Davos was found in the forest. Get anything from him?"

"Yes he's at Raven's Point," said Hiccup as he walked towards the Great Hall. "Well we should go! We can end this once and for all!" said Astrid as she followed Hiccup. He stopped and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Battle must not be fought with idle minds Astrid, we must plan an attack otherwise we will be doomed to failure," explained Hiccup wisely. Astrid gave a small laugh, "I used to be the one who was the expert in battle."

"Well you still are, just not as experienced," says Hiccup as they continue their walk to the Great Hall. On their way Hiccup bumped into Erret, "Erret. Gather the council for me and bring Fishlegs will you." 

"Of course sir," said Erret as he ran off to gather the others. Hiccup entered the Great Hall as did Astrid and they sat down at the high table. "Why summon Fishlegs, you know he's a non-combatant," says Astrid.

"You'll see soon enough," said Hiccup cryptically. As he sat back and surveyed the new attendees. Daggur, Heather, Erret, Elsa, Stoick and Fishlegs.

"Fishlegs stand before the council," said Hiccup as he peered down at the rather confused man. The others looked at him confused before taking their seats at his side.

"Hiccup? Son what is going on?" asked Stoick with great confusion clearly etched upon his face. "Davos was caught attempting to sneak onto the Dragon's Edge earlier this day," explained Hiccup, "He managed to get far into the forest, he came up from the western cliffs which had not yet been secured."

"Well is it not good he was captured?" asked Heather. "Yes...yet one thing bothers me," says Hiccup as he stands up and walks slowly around the table and down the platform until he is in front of Fishlegs, "I told no one that the western cliffs were one except you Fishlegs."

"What are you insinuating King Hiccup?" asked Elsa wearily. "Fishlegs...I ask you to tell the truth and maybe I will spare you a harsh punishment. If not I will make sure you rot," says Hiccup.

Everyone looked to Fishlegs, he trembled under all their gaze. But he broke and fell to his knees sobbing, "I-I'm so s-sorry H-Hiccup...Snotlout he k-kidnapped h-her. I h-had to o-or R-Ruffnut d-dies a-along with my son!"

Fishlegs broke into a fit of sobs and Hiccup looked to the council who watched with skeptical eyes. " do I know you tell the truth," asked Hiccup as he knelt down to be eye level with him. "How can I be sure?" asked Hiccup softly.

"T-This," says Fishlegs as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a rather crumpled letter. "R-Read it," urges Fishlegs.

Hiccup took the letter and unraveled it casting a uncertain eye to the council and then to Fishlegs before he proceeded to read it aloud.


Your filthy wife has been found sending your precious information. I know you are on the island with the Dragon Master. With my cousin.

You will find a weakness in his defenses and tell me everything. If you fail I shall kill Ruffnut and your child, as you witnessed yourself I have no problem doing so. 


Hiccup crushed the letter in his hand with renewed anger. He threatened another man's family for information! He used his daughter as a threat! Now he was going to make the bastard pay!

"Fishlegs I promise you on the memory of my wife and child that I am going to save them from Snotlout and that I am going to break his fucking neck," snarled Hiccup as he placed a forgiving hand onto his old friends shoulder.

"When this is over you and your family will be reunited with a great life on this island," says Hiccup with sincerity in his voice.

Fishlegs began stammering his thanks but they fell upon deaf ears. "Elsa can I trust you to gather your forces?" asked Hiccup almost instantly. "Of course I shall return to Arendale and have my sister Anna spread the word," confirmed Elsa as she got up and left the Great Hall. "Erret. Dad. Get all of the guards and the Riders ready for war," says Hiccup with a dark tone to his voice.

Stoick and Erret nodded before rushing from the Great Hall to prepare. "Heather I need you to stay here and prepare the Great Hall for any casualties that may come from the impending battle," directed Hiccup. "Of course," answered Heather before she got up from her chair, as she passed Hiccup he grabbed her arm stopping her.

He leaned in and whispered under his breath, "By the way I support you and my dad." Heather looked surprised but nodded and headed off. Astrid stood, "And what about me?"

"We prepare for war," said Hiccup as he walked out of the Great Hall. 

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