*Vic's POV*
"Fuentes, stop daydreaming and fill in these forms." My boss snapped at me, throwing the papers on my desk. Such an asshole. Maybe a 'please' would be fine, but it's alright, I like being treated like a piece of crap. I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Sure, sir." I nodded.
"And go get me my latte." He commanded me.
"Of course, sir." I put on a fake smile and got up, taking my jacket and getting out of the building. "Fuckin' moron." I muttered under my breath as I stepped outside. I took a deep breath, cold air filling my lungs. Believe it or not, this was one of my favorite parts of the day, getting out of that place. It gave me some time to think about things. Another one of my favorites was spending time with Kellin.
He seemed to be on my mind almost all the time. Lately, I've been thinking about the other day when we almost kissed. Of course I was just teasing him, but on the other hand, I wanted to press my lips against his as well. Weird, right? This never happened to me before. The other victims were always too scared to even speak or let out a sound so I got annoyed with them easily and ended it. And by it I mean their life.
Kellin, though, Kellin is something completely different. I find him interesting even when he doesn't utter a single word. He's not scared of me and he always makes sure I know that. He also never fails to amuse me. He thinks he's stronger, that he has some power over me. That is, of course, absolute bullshit. But who said he needs to know that? I'll just leave him to it.
I walked into Starbucks and went over to the counter.
"Hello, what can I get you?" A kind voice from behind the counter asked. A girl with long brown hair stood there, smiling at me.
"I'd like a vanilla latte with extra cream and two chocolate muffins, please." I know that he asked for only a latte, but in his case, latte means the most caloric coffee and dessert I can find. And he's still fucking surprised that he gains weight.
I gave the girl money and waited until she came back with my order. I thanked her and stepped out of the coffeeshop. Taking my sweet time, I began walking to work."Finally! What took you so long?" Said Mr. Smalls as I arrived. Smalls, ironic, isn't it?
"I'm sorry, sir." He just grunted, taking the stuff away from me and closing himself into his office. I let out a sigh and got back to work.
One more hour and then I can go home.
One hour.
"Fuentes, come here!" I heard te douchebag yell. I stood up and walked into his office. He was sitting at his desk, writing something on his computer.
One hour.
"Yes, sir?"
One hour.
"Have you filled the forms I gave you?" He looked at me.
One hour.
"Of course, sir." I told him.
One h...
"Good, because I want you to stay late tonight and make sure that everything is ready for tomorrow's meeting." I practically glared at him, not wanting to believe a word he just said. Is he fucking kidding me?!
"Did you hear me?" He asked when I haven't answered.
"Yes, sir. Anything else?" I asked.
"No, get out, now." I nodded, walking out of the office.
"Fuck." I let out a frustrated sigh, tugging on my hair. I fucking hate that guy. Isn't there any rule against staying in work overtime? Probably not, but I still won't fucking stay here. I wanna see Kellin and not Smalls' huge butt.
I'd preferably fucking kill that fat pig...actually, that's not a bad idea, maybe I should. I will only do everybody a favor.
Maybe I fucking will...
"Fuentes, bring me the forms." I smiled an evil grin, pulling a knife out of my bag. I opened the door to his office and walked in, locking the door behind me. He was sitting, reading a book or something. I walked closer to him, standing in front of his desk, clasping the knife in my hand. Just then did he aknowledge me. He looked up, his face suddenly filled with confusion.
"Where are th-" He didn't get to finish sentence, though. Why, you may ask. Well, it's kind of a difficulty to talk when your throat has been slashed.
The blood immediately poured out of the wound, soaking his shirt. I smiled at the sight before getting out of the office. I took off my shirt, since some of his blood got on me as well, and replaced it with the one I had in my bag. You never know when you'll be needing a clean shirt...
I then tucked the knife in the bag as well. Walking back into the office, I put on one of my best horrified faces and screamed out.
"Help!" I yelled out. "Somebody, help!"
I heard footsteps and soon enough a security guy appeared, asking what happened.
"M-Mr. Smalls, he-" I pointed to the office. Security guy looked inside, terrified look spreading across his face as he said something into his walkie talkie. "W-when I came back from toilet, I-I saw a guy running away. He ran this way." I pointed in the opposite direction the security guy came from and he nodded.
"You wait here so you can tell everything to the police, kay?" He said before he ran in the direction I showed him.
"You killed your boss?!" Kellin yelled at me. When the police arrived, I told them I was at toilet when the murderer killed Smalls. I acted shaken up so they even believed me. The security guy, of course, hasn't caught anyone. The cops said that they will contact me if they found anything. After that they let me go home.
And so here I am with Kellin shouting at me. He's such a drama queen.
"He had it coming, though." I shrugged it off. He scoffed sarcastically at me.
"You're unbelievable. You fucking disgust me." He spat the words like they were venomous. I won't let him talk to me like that. He's still my fucking victim, not my homie.
So I slapped him across his cheek.
"Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that." I warned him, leaving him by himself in the basement.
Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter :)
Vic's boss is the guy from King for a Day video, just so you can imagine him.
Oh my god, guys, we were told to write an essay and I kind of, sort of composed Vic in it. I made him a Mexican drug dealer and I even got an A so who's the winner here? :D
Anyway, I'm an idiot, bye.

Daggers Speak Louder Than Words (Kellic)
FanfictionTo Kellin, Vic seems like a normal guy, living a normal life. That opinion, however, changes the second Kellin sees Vic killing a person.