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"So? I can take care of myself, that's all I need" Jeongguk defended.

Taehyung took a few steps closer, and he saw a fire burning in the younger's eyes. "Oh, you can now?"

"Yes I c-"

Before Jeongguk could finish his sentence Taehyung grabbed him and spun him around, so that he was holding him from behind in order to keep him from escaping. Jeongguk's heart was pounding due to fear and also the fact that the older had his hands around his chest.

It was quiet, then Taehyung lent down and whispered in his ear "are you sure about that?"

Jeongguk felt his dick harden due to the older's low whisper. He tried to remain calm and quiet, but Taehyung's voice had just sounded so sexy.

The older let go of him and Jeongguk tried to regain his balance all alone. "Now do you want to begin?"

Jeongguk nodded, and Taehyung smirked as he led him to somewhere they could have unlimited space. The older planned to help him learn to fight with a stake and to also fight with nothing but your fists.

They started off with stake training, and though Jeongguk was scared he would accidentally hurt the older, Taehyung reassured him that he knew what he was doing. Jeongguk practiced pretending to hit him with a stake, and what to do to defend yourself with a stake when a vampire was attacking you.

Throughout the entire session, sexual tension lingered. Jeongguk could definitely sense it, but he wasn't sure if Taehyung could. 

You had to be an idiot not to notice it. The way the two kept looking at each other and the small yet intimate touches that weren't always needed was enough proof.

Jeongguk was confused as to why this was all happening now and here of all circumstances. The younger had always felt a little flutter in his heart whenever Taehyung accidentally touched him or if they made eye contact for a long time, but this, this was a whole other level.

"Okay, now we're going to do some physical fighting," Taehyung said after their small break ended. Jeongguk stood up and walked towards him, feeling anxiety bubble in his stomach.

"First off, you need to make sure your torso is straight" Taehyung started, as he stood behind the younger. Jeongguk bit back a gasp as he felt the older's hands wrap around his waist, holding the other boy straight while practically touching his stomach.

"You can't bend it, you need to keep it sturdy the entire time" Taehyung instructed, softly. 

Jeongguk tried to talk, but he found himself unable to move his lips. He felt high on Taehyung's touch and was scared that at any minute now, he was going to pass out.

The two stayed like that longer than expected until Taehyung eventually pulled away; leaving the younger speechless for what felt like the thousandth time today. 

Taehyung instructed him on more things, such as how to correctly punch or kick. Jeongguk was hearing this, but it wasn't truly processing. He kept focusing on the older's broad chest, or his lip ring that happened to be the color gold.

So when it came time to actually try fighting, the younger felt himself begin to panic.

He knew he couldn't show that he was nervous since from the beginning he was trying to convince Taehyung that he didn't need this. So he told himself to pretend until the older eventually believed it.

"I'll go easy on you this time," Taehyung told him "since you just learned this stuff."

"Don't" Jeongguk found himself saying, though he instantly regretted it "do what you usually do."

Taehyung bit back a grin "if you say so."

Jeongguk felt his stomach drop as he and the older faced each other, waiting for the other to start. The younger decided to go for the stomach, but before he could Taehyung ran right past him, and before he knew it he was gone.

Jeongguk looked around the warehouse, knowing that he was now hiding. He sighed, beginning to grow annoyed.

"This isn't fair!" Jeongguk yelled, knowing that Taehyung was able to hear him "you shouldn't use your powers on me."

It was quiet; too quiet. Jeongguk prepared himself for the older, but as he looked around the warehouse, he didn't see him anywhere.

Suddenly, he thought he heard footsteps behind him, and the younger immediately turned around and threw a punch at the face. 

Taehyung held his jaw, looking almost proud "nice, but not nice enough."

After that, the two began trying to throw punches at one another, and Taehyung was winning. Jeongguk's lip was beginning to bleed, but he hoped that the older wouldn't notice. 

Out of nowhere, Taehyung kicked Jeongguk in the crouch. Since that area was weaker than usual today, Jeongguk felt himself go down.

Taehyung fell down on top of him, holding the other boy's arms firmly so he couldn't leave. "I win."

Surprisingly, that was the least of Jeongguk's worries at that moment. Really, what he was more worried about was the fact that their faces were only a couple inches apart.

The two laid there, staring at each other. Jeongguk found it hard to breathe, and it didn't help that their dicks were practically touching. 

"Your heart's pounding," Taehyung said, "I can hear it."

"Yeah" Jeongguk replied, "and it's not because of the training." 

It was silent again, and Taehyung's face softened as he leaned in closer. Jeongguk closed his eyes as he felt his heart increase in speed, waiting to feel the older's lips-

Taehyung got off of him, letting out a sigh as he stood up. "I-I think that's enough training for today."

Jeongguk looked up at him, still on the floor. The older offered him a hand, but Jeongguk rejected it and stood up on his own.

His heart has slowed down to its normal speed, but now his mind was spinning with one single thought in place. 

What the hell just happened?

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang