Start from the beginning

For 1 month and 7 days, everything was going smoothly but no, he has to invite trouble sooner or later.

I have once inserted a tracking device in his body but I forgot to inform him or take it out due to certain circumstances and thank my stars that I forgot.

The night I went to meet Edward Russo, I inserted the tracker while kissing him. He never asked and I never answered. Idiot.

Running and Ruining myself, doesn't mean that I don't love him anymore. I do love him and  care for him a lot, that's why I kept the device on.

It's not like I track his every move. I don't. In fact, it's the first time alarm went off.

I noted the address and got ready to fly  back.

It's been 1 months and 6 days without Aliana.  I miss her to death. I regret the day I announced my so called engagement. I want her back but it seems destiny doesn't want to let us meet but I'm not gonna lose my hope. I'll try till my last breathe. I just want to see her one glimpse.

At starting, I travelled many places to find her. Different cities and countries. A daily visit to her hideout but no sign of Aliana.

My PI and security team failed to track her. I even involved cops but still no positive result. I searched for legal records, because she is a very famous lawyer but no lead.

Liam was also out of reach for long but my team searched him. He was not ready to meet me at starting but after explaining everything to him, he agreed. Then he informed me something, hearing that I wanted to kill myself at the spot.

"She resigned from her job and even confessed her breach of contract. In addition to all, she asked to seize her license. Court seized her license for two years"

I can't imagine her condition now. She loved her job more than herself. I witnessed her devotion and happiness for her job.

That's why finding her was impossible. There is only one way to get her back and that is possible only if she wants to come back. And I know how to do that.

Weeks before, I finally took help of my mafia connections to find Wills. And we did.

I can do anything to see her even for once. I can even risk my life for her. She is love of my life and my world.

So now, I'm standing in front of an old warehouse at outskirts of Moscow, where I fixed a meeting with Wills and he agreed.

Liam, Zach, Ellie and unfortunately Angel is also in Moscow but I didn't allow them here. They know about my plan.

I stepped inside and two guards checked me. Touching me to the places where I wouldn't allow anyone else to, except Aliana. Finally after checking me, they moved aside to let me in.

Another two guards stood by the door. They took me inside and the place looks like an office. Completely different from outside.

I waited for 10 minutes, sitting on plush chair.

"Finally the day has come" Wills announced his arrival from behind. I rolled my eyes annoyingly.

"So what do I owe this meeting from you?" he asked sitting in front of me.

"You want something from me and I'm ready to negotiate" I said confidently but my thoughts are running to Aliana. Will she come? Does she even know where I'm? 

I have a feeling that she will know because I can accept anything but one thing is fact that she loves me and cares for me. She must have left something or someone behind her to look after me because Wills was roaming freely before she left. Hope so my assumptions are true.

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