Ch. 6 Hey Bitches

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Patton pov.

I was still playing with Anxiety when I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Remy-"What in the bloody hell?!" He screamed as he ran in the room with a coffee in his hand. He looked around Virgils room before looking at us. As in us I mean just me and Anxiety because Remus started trying to see if he could see how much stuff would fit inside small Anxietys uhhh I'd rather not say place but thank heavens deceit dragged him away.

"Hheeeyyyy Remy... I see you found your way back." He still looks confused as Anxiety tilts his head at him making me gush.

Remy-"Can you explain what is that?!" He points to Anxiety.  "Oh him... uh Remy this is Virgil. Something happened to him and he doesn't remember any of us. He only knows us by our jobs. Like this watch." He nods and waits.

"Virgil." Anxiety doesn't turn around.

"Anxiety." He looks at me and wags his tail.

"Do you know Remy?" I ask him pointing to Remy, but Anxiety just tilts his head.

"Well he is Sleep. Now do you know him?" He nods his head and makes a sleeping motion with his hands.

Remy-"oh... okay. Soooo he only knows us like that. Where is everyone else?"

"They went to see if they could find out anything for Virgil." I pet Anxietys head as he purres more.

Remy-"Okay. So how is Thomas taking all of this? Does he even know?"

"I haven't even thought of that. But he's sleeping right no-." Remy grabs my arm as I hold onto Anxiety more so he doesn't drop out of my hands.

Remy-"Not on my watch." He takes us out of the mindset with ease and goes over to Thomas. He looks at Thomas and the coffee in his hands, he repeats some more until I figure out what he plans to do.

Before I could stop him he already pours the coffee all on Thomas as he screams.

Remy-"Good evening Thom- stop screaming please. This is important."

Thomas-"What is more important then you pouring coffee on me?!" He glares at a bored looking Remy.

Remy-"That is more important." He points to Anxiety in my hands. Thomas looks over at him and his eyes are wide.

Thomas-"Wow what is that!?"

I sigh. 'Here goes more explaining.'

"This is Virgil, he doesn't remember anyone or anything. All he knows is us by our jobs we do. The others are trying to see if they can fix this." I say it quick that Thomas almost didn't understand.

Thomas-"So he's stuck like this? He's so cute!!"  He grabs a confused Anxiety out of my hands and pats his head. "Who's a cute boy, you are yes you are!"

Remy-"I'm disappointed that my drama sister can't be here to spill some tea. I do hope he gets back to normal soon." Remy shakes his head as he makes another coffee appear in his hands.

Thomas-"Hey Anxiety?! Do you know who I am?" Anxiety shakes his head no. "I'm your host!!"

After he said that Anxietys marking started to spread slowly as his pupils slit.

Remy-"Umm.... what's happening?"

"I don't know!" We stared at Anxiety as he grew bigger than all of us and growled at Thomas.


Welp hey you wonderful people who are enjoying this weird story.

I want to let everyone know that I had made a oneshot for the sides and I am taking request because I'm bored and need newer ideas to write. So if you don't mind checking it out I already have a small story on it called "Teachers pet" staring deciet and virgil.

Welp until next time piece you gorgeous people!!

I'm a mess! Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum