Chapter Eighteen - Needles

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Warning: The following contains content that has swear words. Should you be offended, do not read it. (but I know you wanna... cause you're too awesome to resist :p))


Chapter Eighteen - Needles 


 I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

-Jimmy Dean


"Well, fuck you Arima. Where have you been?" You slosh the cup of juice, a concoction of blood and a little bit of heart muscles, onto his face.

"I've been on missions." Arima bluntly replies and then wipes out the mess you've made with his disposable scented tissues. You frown at the smell, the weird tingling of your scent senses getting the better of you. You swiftly push Arima and turn yourself around, a mixture of disgusting half digested unknown muck making its way through your alimentary canal out onto the floor.

"Fuck." You wipe away the mess with one of the disposable tissue that Arima hands over to you, and then dispose it in one of those conveniently placed trash bins at the corner. Arima watches on in disapproval but does nothing to stop you like a silent predator, his only movement that of his finger tapping against the surface of his dark but shiny new briefcase.

"So-?!" You start again, turning around to face him only to find a quinque pointed directly at your forehead. A look of anger flashes across before it turns to one of amusement. Your frown turns into an outright smirk, one that mocks the futile attempt that he's making.

"Surely you jest?" You mutter, your finger sliding across the sharp edge of the quinque, your skin sliced open by it. A thick black concoction of poisons oozes out, casually flowing alongside the quinque and dripping onto the floor into a mini river. Arima doesn't mutter a single word but you can tell from his expression that he was serious about testing you out and making you the subject for the experiments of the CCG.

The quinque trembles an inch as the poisoned blood touches it, but then it stabilizes again. A wider smile reaches you once you realise that you've been drugged with such a heavy dosage of the suppressant drug through the drink. Tensing your muscles, you ready yourself even though you can't see exceptionally clearly, your line of sight blurred due to the poison making its way to your cornea.

" We can play." You whisper beside Arima's ear as you disappear right in front of him. Fury takes over you, the surge of anger pulsating through your veins and causing your RC cells to flood your senses. Through your heightened senses, you can hear Arima's breathing quicken, his heart rate increasing rapidly and perspiration increasingly dripping onto the floor. His grip tightens around the quinque, making a subtle creaking sound that only you can hear, and you know that he's already scared.

Perhaps, it was your appearance that caused such a violent response. For sure, in the past few months, training intensified and you had evolved your ghoul form even further. Your face had slimmed to a devilish angle and your eyes could now turn completely black with no sign of life at all. Your breathing would cease to exist, your hair turning fiery red like the dark nights of hell reigning. The kagunes developed into something more sophisticated for killing. The former kagune that was already bound for perfection further developed to become a weapon of mass destruction, the incisors and completely solid grapples slicing through with ease. Even the kagune that formed on your back had patterns that shaped itself to form symbols of totalitarian rule.

" Arima-kun~" you sweetly coo, your voice a sickening sweet mess that was dripping with sadism and sarcasm. You mocked him for his cowardly act, a complete breach between the two of you for one of the terms of your contract with him.

But then again, the both of you never really trusted each other anyway.

You can feel Arima quake and then you jerk back, your kagune tearing out of your flesh and breaking your bones piece by piece. Blood flowed through your kagune, a elegant yet deadly sculpture of death that had set its eyes on prey worthy of reaping. His quinque swings forward towards you and you can hear him stabilize his breathing, trying to get a grip on himself. Not even moving a step from your original place, your kagune completely blocks and breaks the path of the quinque, instead counter attacking to make deep small punctuations into the quinque.

"I'm sorry... That I'm not sorry at all!" You cackle as your kagune lashes out at Arima, swerving in a zig zag motion as it slices through the air rapidly only to be stopped by one of Arima's quinque which he tosses out of the briefcase. You pause for a while, yours eye lids moving slightly before they went absolutely still again, darkening to a deep abyss of swirling depression. 

A smirk creeps up and your kagune slices Arima's quinque cleanly into two parts and coming right to a halt at the skin of his neck, drawing blood from him.

 " STOP!" you hear someone screaming and multiple quinques all scrambling towards you from all directions and you immediately back away only to have one of the quinques pierce through your back, crushing all your shoulder blades and making a hole through your lungs.

"Idiots!" you shriek in agony, feeling a major jerking pain in your abdomen. Your kagune immediately whips back to protect your abdomen and you jerk open your eyes, tears clearing up your darkness and causing you to break like a fragile doll.

"You bastards, how can you!" you scream, feeling a small tug on your abdomen and blood running down your legs. Arima's eyes widen, hands shivering for once. It was clear to you that he had some clue as to what these children had done, but still, there was nothing more that could be done to salvage the situation at hand. The rest of the people gulp in indignance with fear mixed in, afraid at what you might do next.

"Damn it, I leave for a while and shit happens," you hear someone grumble, a soothing smell wisping around you and enveloping you. You can hear the rest swallow while Arima merely steadies himself and forms a ready position for defence, already calming himself down and returning to don on his cool facade.

"Noro...Help me..." you whisper before you black out, your kagune completely fledged out to form a protective mechanism around you. Noro simply smiles, and then whisks you away, leaving each ghoul investigator with a good luck sign - a burnt iron mark on their backs with the Aogiri symbol on it.











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