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A/n: woo haven't done one of these in a while. Slight NSFW.

Au: YANDERE reader.

He was at university again today. Talking to that Yagami kid. If the law department of the school knew what you were doing with the information they taught you, you'd be expelled and probably arrested. It was ironic, a stalker was doing law in university. You never planned on this lifestyle... but that boy...

He came out of nowhere and just... stole your heart. Your stalking skills were great, you'd already found out why he was even here in the first place, the Kira case. That boy, was L. You were surprised he handy noticed you following him yet, maybe it was because he was wrapped up with the Kira case.

You sat under the tree opposite the boys, the two of them packing up tennis equipment as you pretended to study.

"God look at his lips..." you mumbled to yourself, watching him talk.

He may not be your stereotypical pretty boy, but fuck was he the hottest boy YOU'D ever seen. His hair was so fluffy, his eyes glistened, he was preciously pale and overtired. You wanted nothing more than to be with him. To hold him, to kiss him, to love him, to... you know.

You'd bare his children if it meant he'd stay.

You wanted noting more than to mangle the competition, but he was a detective... if murder was involved he'd find you, throw you in jail and you'd never have him. But if things got desperate...

Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her, after all.

Following from a good distance as they walked back to taskforce, you could feel your blood boil. You didn't trust Light one bit. He was the one you wanted dead the most, but you had to hold back, for L. Soon you found yourself outside taskforce, you knew where all the cameras were. You could avoid any alarms. You knew what you were doing.

You sat on a balcony you could climb onto without being spotted, watching the sun set and listening to the conversations going on inside.

"That tennis game got me feeling all gross... I'll be back guys I'm talking a shower"

Your cheeks went red at those words from your further husband. The images filled your mind, your face burning. You heard taps turn on, water running, clothes drop to the floor. Quietly and carefully you pulled yourself up to the window sill, ever so slightly peeking inside through the crack on the blinds. You knew you shouldn't but you couldn't help it.

If you were an anime character your nose would have started bleeding the second you saw what you did. His hair was wet, stuck to his skin, he had skinny arms but broad shoulders. Long legs, with squishy thighs. He wasn't exactly ripped, but slightly toned, probably from the tennis skills. He was gorgeous, all of him.

You just starred, watched. Gazed upon him as he ran his hands through his soaking hair, rinsed soap off his body that you wanted to touch so badly. When he turned the taps off, you went back to hiding, in fear he'd see you. You listened, waited. And when you heard him leave, you peeked again. He was definitely gone, you could hear him on the floor below you.

But something caught your eye.

He left his shirt on the floor.

You wanted it... no, needed it. You looked around the room for cameras. Luckily there were one, it was a bathroom after all, a bathroom on his floor. It was close, close enough to reach in and grab it if you were quiet enough. Wedging your hands under the window as best as you could, you pushed it up, ducking under the blinds. You reached into the room that still smelled of soap, with the tips of your fingers grabbed the sleeve of the plain shirt and pulled it out.

You did it, you had his shirt. Your heart was beating like crazy. You had something of his, after months, finally. Without thinking you bought it up to your face, taking a deep breath in.

It smelled like coffee... coffee and cake. If he smelled that good all the time, you'd be weak 24/7.

"Oh my god... he's just as delicious as I thought..." you muttered to yourself.

It was getting dark, and as much as you wanted to stay and listen to L's soothing voice, it was cold and you should really be getting home. Pulling the shirt on over your current one for more warmth, you carefully climbed down, avoided all the cameras and windows and left for home. Turning too look at the building again, you sighed.

"I love you darling... you'll be mine one day"

The detective returned to the bathroom, sure he'd left something behind but couldn't see anything.

"Huh... maybe I did put my shirt in the laundry..." he muttered to himself.

He was about to leave when he suddenly felt a coldness on his skin, turning back to the bathroom he spotted it. The open window.

"I swear I closed that... god I must be overtired..."

He walked over, closing it with a bang.

"I didn't shower with that open did I? Oh well... This floor is pretty high up, who would have seen?"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now