Chapter 1

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The whipping of her father's belt was heard throughout the entire house.

"See that not one thing like that ever happens to you again," he seethed. He dropped the blood-stained belt to the floor, leaving the room, and Agatha to writhe in shame and misery.

It was a mistake to take those pills, to try and commit suicide. She should have known her father would catch her on the act. She should have known that the sole purpose of living was to be his punching bag. His beaten, broken, skinny punching bag.

But he was still her father. She knew that he still loved her in his own, twisted way.

So she forgave him. She forgave him for every time that whip slashed her back. She still forgave him despite nearly dying.

She still took to kindness for everyone she knew, even to the monster that created her.


He walked back to the room with a wild gleam in his eyes, ready for another round of torture.

*It's All a ShamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin