Chapter 9: I am no Angel

Start from the beginning

He held my tiny face in his hands, and whispered, "It's not your time yet."

He lifted my hand and kissed my fingers softly.

There was a sudden jerk, and my heart stopped beating. I could feel it, deep in my chest. And then like a bolt of lightning, something struck me. And it restarted, thumping against my chest wall in a speed that made me gasp for oxygen.

I closed my eyes tightly.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a white bed with an oxygen mask on my face. I looked at the heart monitor, and saw the broken lines of my ECG followed by a stronger rhythm now.

Doctors were all around me, and I opened my eyes as wide as I could to let them know that I was alive.

I felt them celebrating my survival; I could see it on their masked faces through their anxious eyes.

I saw mom next to David holding Aaron watching me through a glass window.

What I could recall of Chase's party was the smell of alcohol and vomits, and the voices of fighting and hitting.

I saw a policeman talking to a doctor, and then he entered the room.

"Hello Lily Christensen."

I nodded, acknowledging his greetings.

"I need to ask you few questions about the party."

I removed the mask slightly to whisper.

"I don't remember much."

"It's okay; just try to recall anything that you could." He prompted," Were you driving fast when you had the accident?"

"What Accident?" I muttered.

"Try to remember as much as you could."

I quickly added," I wasn't drunk, I swear."

And those words activated the memory that I was trying to suppress.

The scene of Chase's party appeared in front of my eyes again.

I was talking to some girl, when someone else spilled their drink on my clothes. I went upstairs to the washroom where I saw Drunk Nathan making out with Rita. I came out immediately but they saw me.

I came to Chase's room to clean myself. But someone locked me inside. I got out of the window and came to the parking place. I felt so alone and scared. I drove my car away from the party place. But someone followed me.

I took a wrong turn, but before I knew it. I was lost on a deserted road, somewhere. I didn't know where I was heading to. The road leaded into the forest. I stopped my car. Suddenly, someone opened the front door and dragged me out of the front seat.

I heard them laughing in my head as I ran, trying to get away from them. Their hands like daggers, piercing through my clothes. I felt him holding my wrists tightly behind my back, as the other one approached me. I should have stayed in the party; at least there were people who could have saved me. May be, Chase would have stopped them.

I knew, on this deserted road, there was no one who could save me.

One of them came near me, and cupped his hands around my chest. I let out an agonizing scream. I could not let Nathan and his friend hurt me.

Nathan whispered in my ears, "You told Marie about me and Rita didn't you?"

I muttered," I...I didn't."

"I needed that bitch to get me a Scholarship for next year. Her dad could have done that for me. And you ruined my chance with her."

"No, No...."

The Death Kiss (Nanowrimo)#wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now