Chapter 4

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Violets POV
Rick and I walked over to a small fire that Dale was cooking the trout on. "That girl with the short grey hair over there, that's Carol the man beside her is Ed her husband and the little girl is Sophia their daughter" as I started to name people and Shane came out of the woods with Lori.

Ricks POV
As Violet introduced me to the group I noticed that she is a very peppy girl and she reminded me of Carl. She pointed out that there were some people coming out of the woods but when I saw the people coming out I couldn't let her finish. "LORI" I ran over to Lori and when she realized it was me she threw her arms around me and we stood there for a minuet or so.

Violets POV
I saw Rick run over to Shane and Lori and I thought that maybe he was gonna kill them or something, but then I saw him grab Lori by the waist and hug her. Oh my god, is Lori... CARL.

Carl's POV
I could hear Violet screaming my name but I ignored it cause I knew that she was just fooling around. I heard somebody opening the tent I thought is was my mom coming to get me for lunch so I pretend to be asleep.
"Carl, Carl you won't believe this but I think somebody is here to see you" it was the sound of violets voice.
Before I could answer she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the tent. "Violet wha-" She cut me off and turned my towards a man who was hugging my mom. "Violet why would you show me this?" I asked getting a little ticked off.
"Just wait Carl have some patience." She replied hitting my arm.
The man turned and once I saw his face I ran "DAD" I screamed. I obviously caught his attention because he started running to me and once we met he picked me up and squeezed me, and I felt safer then I have ever felt before.

Finding Homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें