TWENTY-SEVEN: I'm Happy Though

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Ivy laughed. "I had my tubes tied, I was fixed five years ago, Cooper. I haven't used condoms in five years. Never thought about it. I shouldn't be able to get pregnant!"

Cooper stared. "But..."

"I am picking up a test later. Calm down and eat. I could just have the flu!" She smiled. She wasn't positive it was the flu.

No one talked through breakfast and Ivy left for a test. She was so nervous. She couldn't be pregnant! A baby! Sebastian's baby. What did she do to her family!

She bought the test by herself and picked up four boxes and went to his place to pee on a stick. She was over this already. She hadn't had a pregnancy scare in years.

All three boys were pacing while she was in the bathroom. She waited but the stick said it. It was very clear. She sat on the floor when Sebastian knocked. He opened the door and sat with her on the floor.

"So?" Ivy handed him the stick. He stared at it. "Maybe it's a false one?"

Ivy stared and handed him the box. "Read the back." She read it five times.

"Oh." It said if the test showed positive then see a doctor right away. There was no false positive reading. They were very rare. "Maybe this one is faulty."

"I tried four of them, Sebastian. They were the same." Ivy stared. She was pregnant!

"Well, fuck!" Sebastian cursed and sighed. "I'm so sorry!" He didn't believe in abortion. "I want to keep it. If you don't want it, I understand, but let me raise it. We can work something out!" She was going to hate him. He wipe his tears.

Ivy looked at him. He was crying. "Sebastian!" She jumped on him and kissed him hard. "I love you!" It slipped.

"Ivy!" Sebastian lost any control and loved her on the bathroom floor.

Jake and Cooper heard them and closed the bedroom door. Neither of them wanted to hear that. They cleared the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge.

"What is going to happen now?" Jake was worried.

"I don't actually know!" Cooper sighed.

"Are they going to get married?" Jake was freaking out that he would be homeless.

Cooper walked over to Jake. "Calm down!" He held his face and looked at his black eye. "I'm not going anywhere without you, Jake."

Jake nodded. "Okay. Sorry about that! I don't know what to think anymore. My parents reaction has me freaked out!"

"I understand. I don't think that my mom will let you just live on the streets." Cooper smiled. He kissed Jake. "I won't let you." He slid his arms around Jake and held him tight. "Last night was awesome."

"This morning was awesome! I am buying stock in condoms!" Jake smiled and kissed Cooper. They both laughed.

"For my mom!" Cooper laughed.

Jake shook his head. "Too late!"

They both laughed some more. They sat on the couch and talked and made jokes like before but Jake was holding Cooper's hand, so this was better than before. Jake loved that he could talk openly to his boyfriend. His best friend. He loved Cooper.

Ivy walked out with Sebastian. "Well, I have fucked up our family!" She sat at the table and sighed.

Cooper just started laughing. He wiped tears but these were happy tears. "Sorry!"

Sebastian laughed too. He sat beside Ivy and just laughed. "I guess I am going to be a dad!" He cleared his throat.

Jake was asking a question. "Are you guys getting married?" He was worried.

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