EIGHT: Insanity

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Sebastian smiled and Ivy stared as a smile formed on her lips. "Okay."

"But I thought that you would be mad!" Cooper was surprised and looked up at his mom.

Ivy smiled. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Cooper sighed. "I kinda do, can you handle it?"

"I think so. I love that you want to talk to me, Cooper. We have to stick together. Please, what happened?" Ivy didn't want her son to block her out. They were all they had left.

"It wasn't intentional and Mom, I mean I kissed him on purpose but I don't know what happened." He watched her for a reaction. "Not like a friend on the cheek...I..." Cooper smiled and blushed. "I mean tongue was involved and he pushed me to his bed. He laid on me and just kissed me for a couple of hours. He kissed me and I loved it, Mom ."

Ivy nodded. "Are you okay? How did it happen?" She smiled.

Cooper laughed and shook his head. "I got there and we were playing video games. The usual. I started crying for no reason. That keeps happening. I miss Dad at the weirdest times. I had to hit pause and told him I was sorry." Cooper paused. He was happy his mom was easy to talk to and she messed up worse than he did.

"Jake leaned in and held me while I cried. I felt so stupid and I apologized. He told me not to. Something changed as he was holding me. I don't know. I felt him soften? I guess. His hand slid to my hair and he kissed my neck." Cooper stopped. "Are you okay?"

"Yes!" Ivy smiled. "Sounds hot. What happened next!" She had to know. She would let him talk as long as he wanted.

Cooper smiled. "So, I moaned when I felt him kiss my neck. It was weird and I loved the feeling of his lips on my skin. He felt so nice in my arms. I melted into him. He pulled away and looked at me. He looked a little worried but I smiled. He whispered my name and kissed me. I almost died! I had been wanting to kiss Jake for so long!"

"Jake didn't release me or say he was sorry. He pushed me to the bed, I pulled him on me. We just laid on the bed and kissed. It was so pleasant. I kind of thought I might be gay but I really think I'm gay, Mom." Cooper sighed. "I don't think a normal guy would be okay kissing his guy friend, not like that. Those kisses were amazing. I was happy that Carol didn't walk in!"

They kissed for a couple of hours. Cooper wanted to relive it. He loved the look that Jake had right before he pressed his mouth to Coopers. Cooper was in shock at first but closed his eyes and moaned.

Jake slid his hands to Cooper's face and held his face as he deepened the kiss. Cooper tried not to think about how nice it was.

He couldn't believe he made out with his best friend. It was a really hot make-out session though and he wanted to do it again but he knew that Jake would never talk about it.

"Okay. Things happen, Cooper. Take me for example. Earlier." Sebastian knew that Cooper saw them and Ivy wasn't asking questions. Ivy was embarrassed.

"Well, we are all fucked up." Sebastian finished his pasta and seemed unphased. "Did you eat lunch?"

Cooper smiled. "I did."

"Food?" He winked at his nephew.

"Gross! Yes. Jake's mom made us grilled cheese. It was just kissing, Uncle Sebastian! Nothing close to what you were doing!"

"Fair enough!" Sebastian blushed then covered his face.

Cooper just laughed. "Mom, Uncle Sebastian, I'm okay with what you were doing! I just wanted to say thanks for just letting me talk. I needed to talk to someone! I have to shower."

He walked down the hall. He had to leave them alone and he needed some time to think. What was he supposed to say to Jake now? Was everything going to be weird?

He didn't want to lose Jake as a friend. This was a real fear of his. He couldn't imagine not talking to Jake everyday and trying to avoid him in the halls at school.

"So, what now?" Sebastian had some ideas. "Are you up for another hike?"

"I would love one. Just a hike, right?" She smiled.

"Sure." Sebastian wasn't a betting man but he wouldn't bet on this being just a hike.

They hiked for an hour through the park and Ivy found herself in the middle of the woods being ravaged by Sebastian. She never did it in the woods before and couldn't wait to do it again. He was a wild man.

"I just thought of something and I'm stupid. I haven't used any protection!" Sebastian stared at Ivy.

"I got my tubes tied about five years ago. We're fine. It's why I never said anything!" She smiled.

"So, you can't get pregnant?" He smiled a devilish smiled. He trapped her against a tree and pulled her up onto him. He found a smooth rock wall and took her against it.

She screamed as he decided to try to get her pregnant until he had to leave Monday. He was going to miss her. He would feel bad later but he was loving her for the rest of the day.

Thanks for reading and smack that cute star right in the face.

A Touch Of Sebastian (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz