~~Back in the Warehouse~~
"Suga, what to do with them?" King enquires,
"Do whatever you want, just don't get caught" Suga responses while staring at the unconscious bodies in front of them.
"And with him?" Dean questions while pointing at HuaMin,
"I'll look after him, bring him to the hideout"
The boys called backup to help them move them.
"Yoongi-bear" Taehyung calls Yoongi,
"Oh~ Yoongi bear? How cute~ Hahahaha" Blade chuckles,
"Shut the Fuck up" Yoongi grumbles, making his friends laugh.
"What Tae-baby?" Yoongi soften his tone,
"Oh~ Tae-" Dean teases Yoongi but shuts up when the latter glares at him,
"Will he come back to school? Will you get arrested?"
"Don't worry about that Taehyung-ah, we won't get caught and he will come back to school but next semester, he'll be taking a short holiday" Ryder grins as he pictures HuaMin getting tortured by Yoongi,
"But- but he is rich, won't his family file a police report when they see wounds on him?"
"They won't" Axel replies,
"How? Why not?" Hoseok was surprised,
"Cause that guy over that is fucking rich, everyone bows down to his father so we will take care of it" Dean replies while pointing at King.
"His name ain't King for nothing" Axel jokes and King points his middle finger at Axel in reply.
"Call me when you guys are done and I'll come over"
"Okay, Bye Suga, Bye guys"
"Bye," Hoseok and Taehyung said in sync.
Hoseok drove the car and Yoongi sat beside him. They drove back home. After an hour, Yoongi got a call and he left to "take care of HuaMin"
~~The next morning~~
Jungkook messaged Seokjin last night to bring Jimin clothes and necessary belonging from his apartment when he comes over to visit as Jimin will be living with him.
Jimin was cuddling into Jungkook's chest, the latter's arm wrapped around Jimin waist and lips on Jimin head as they lay in bed. Jungkook uses his free hand to message Seokjin,
Jungkook: Hyung, what time will you be coming over tomorrow?
Seokjin: Erm... Around 12noon with lunch! Need anything?
Jungkook: Yes Hyung. Can you help me pack Jimin's clothes and necessary belonging in a suitcase and bring over? I don't want him living alone.
Seokjin: Yea, he shouldn't live alone after what happened. Taehyung has an extra key to Jimin apartment, We will bring his things tomorrow.
Jungkook: Thanks Hyung and sorry to trouble you Hyung.
Seokjin: Not troubling me at all, either way, we are coming over so don't worry too much. How's Jiminie?