Found, intro

222 5 14
  • Dedicated to Megan


7:50 pm

Ten minutes ago, my life was simple. I wanted to grow up get married and life happily like everyone else.

Then again, ten minutes ago.

I had a father......

9:30 am

Running down the steps to my morning birthday breakfast! I felt my mothers arms embrace me, she was smiling and laughing.

"Morning sweetie!" She laughed. She had just gotten up because she was still in her flannel pyjamas. The cozy flowers seemed to hug me as she did. My dad rounded

the corner and came wobbling toward me, since his recent car accident he has limited mobility.

"Hows the bestest birthday girl in the world!" He yells.

"Its best, not bestest daddy!" I giggle. He smirks and tickles my nose.

"Well I know who to get to help me with my homework" he laughes as he carries me over to the kitchen table.

Everything seemed nicer today, from the shiny granite counter, to the smooth pine table. I smiled as the glorious sent of my favourite dish filled my nostrils, eggs bennie. I almost leaped out of my seat when my mom took them out of the oven, fresh and better then ever. The three of us sat down at the table. My mom sighed. I looked at her face showing disappointment as she stomped off to clear my sister, Cassia, out of bed. I heard yelling from upstairs and looked to my dad. He rolled his eyes mocking them, this made me burst with laughter. My sister came shuffling into the kitchen, scowling.

"Happy birthday Squirt" When she was younger she couldn't say Keisha so she called me squirt. She sat next to me and forced a smile. I smiled back and dug into what was now brunch.

5:28 pm

Me, my mom, and my best friend Amanda sang all the way home in the car. We had just gone to see the Nutcracker and it was amazing! And by the time we got home it was time to cook dinner.

7:32 pm

We were having homemade pizzas! Cassia was at a friends house doing "homework" as she told mom. I ran upstairs to ask my dad if he wanted us to make him a pizza.

7:41 pm

Speechless, scared, confused, devastated, alone, angry, overwhelmed, I felt almost every upsetting emotion possible. A scream escaped my mouth. It cut through the dead air in my dads study, and the laughter from down stairs. The thudding of my mother sprinting up the stairs to see the problem with Amanda right behind her. But nothing could comfort me now. Laying on the cold carpet floor was a pale, lifeless, body.

It was my dad.

heey hope you liked it!!!


thanks a bunch!


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