10. Hurt

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I was currently sulking in my room, my ears still ringing from Jins loud shouting.

I was scolded, for 30 whole minutes.

I asked JB if he wanted to sleep here, and he happily agreed, which made me feel better.

"Kook I'm hungry" JB whined.

I grumbled before getting off of my bed, JB following suit. We made our way into the kitchen, and rummaged through the fridge for something to snack on.

"Hey Jungkookie oppa" a sugar coated voice came from behind me.

I cringed, before turning around to see Yuri standing right behind me. She smiles widely, and I force a smile out.


"Omo, your smile is so adorable" she gushes as she pinches my cheeks.

I flinch slightly, pefore pulling away. She pouts, before shrugging off my behavior.

She turns to JB, "hello, I'm Yuri!"

He shows her a warm smile, "I'm JB"

She giggles -oh how I hate that sound.

I roll my eyes before returning my attention to the fridge. I continue to rummage through it, listening to the two talk.

"So, how do you know Kook?" I hear JB ask.

"Oh, he's one of my boyfriends friends!" She says happily. I spot a banana milk and quickly reach for it.

"Someone mentioned me?" A familiar deep, velvety voice interjected.

"TaeTae!" I hear Yuri's high pitched voice turn soft, and I can practically envision her throwing her arms around him

My hand clenched tightly around the carton of banana milk I had grabbed.

Wait..calm down, banana milky did nothing wrong... It was that-that-that gasshole! Wait that doesn't sound right... what did Jaebum say it was again?

Oh well, gasshole it is

"No way, you're dating Taehyung?"

"Yup~!" Yuri chimmed. My heart hurt. I just want him to deny it....a part of me, pleads for him to disagree. But it just ends up hurting me even more.

"Yes, we are dating" Taehyung's voice sound light...happy even.


"So you, the infamous playboy has settled down?" I hear JB ask in disbelief.

"Well, what can I say? When you finally meet someone that instantly claims your heart, it helps keep your attention off of anyone else" My heart clenches painfully as I feel tears threatening to arise.

"It was love at first sight" Yuri sighed in content.

That's it. I need to get out of this room.

I grabbed a whole pile of banana milks, having to keep the highest one from falling by tucking it under my chin.

"Huh, it's like one of those love k-dramas, where the new girl and playboy instantly find love" JB chuckles.

I spun around suddenly, and all three of them look in my direction at the suddenness. I made sure to not make eye contact with Taehyung who I could tell had his arm around Yuri in my peripheral vision.

I pout angrily, "Jaeee help meee~" I whine as the stuff feels like its about to fall from my arms.

His eyes widen slightly before hurrying over to me.

He stops and looks at me for a second, "You look so cute when you're mad"

My face flushes and I look away, making him giggle. He helps take some of the stuff out of my arms and we start to head out of the kitchen.

"Wait, Jungkook" I freeze, Taehyung's voice sounding firm.

"How do you know Jaebum?"

"None of your business, you're not my dad." I grit my teeth slightly.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys dating?!" Yuri squeaked, and I turned to look at her.

"W-Wha-" i interrupt an embarrassed JB.

"So what if we are, it doesn't exactly concern you" I roll my eyes before turning to face forward and push JB out of the kitchen.

I march back to my room, slamming the door closed once we were inside.

After setting all the banana milks down in a pile, I look at JB who has a bewildered expression.

"Oh yeah..." I laugh sheepishly, hand going to the back of my neck, "sorry about that"

He clears hi throat, a light blush on his cheeks, "it's fine... But, what's going on between you three? If you don't mind me asking"

I poked my tongue into my cheek, before deciding that if I want to be good friends with Jaebum, I should be honest.

"Its just.. I don't know how to- ugh this is hard" I struggle to find words.

"Come here" JB takes a seat on the bed, patting the spot next to him.

I sit next to him, and stare at the floor.

"So I'm guessing you like him" I freeze at his words.

He chuckles lightly, "Well it's either that or you hate the guy"

I hang my head low, tears forming, "No I.. ..i do like him"

I sniff, licking my lips before continuing, "it's just, I don't know what he's done to me. Like, I never in my life have hated someone. I don't want to... but I can't help but dislike Yuri so much and I.. ." He wrapped a comforting arm around me.

I turned to him and wrapped my arms around him, before crying into his chest.

"I hate myself for having such feelings for him... I hate myself for the way I feel about Yuri... I hate it" i sobbed into his clothes, wetting them with my tears.

"To be honest with you... I feel bad" I feel him sigh, "I don't think he's the type to stick to one partner"

"What do you m-mean?" I sniffed.

"Well... I don't think he's going to stay loyal to Yuri for long" he strokes my hair, "guys like him just don't know how to stay loyal. To anyone"

Even though I was angry and frustrated at Taehyung, I couldn't help the part of me that disagreed with JB. Even though I wanted to agree with him, I was at war with myself.

"I-" suddenly my door flew open and Jimin came barreling in, flinging himself at me.


Lol, boring chapter but oh wellllll😂

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