They both stare. Both their minds were flooded with so many amazing times they've shared they couldn't think of words.
Phil spoke up.
"Probably the time you heard that demonic noise downstairs and screamed like a schoolgirl!"
Phil was laughing and Dan blushed.
"Come on baby, you know I have an extreme fear of this house at night," Dan pouted, but than looked shocked for what he just said.
They did call each other 'babe' and 'baby' or 'love' or whatever. It was natural to them.
Phil smiled. "You know we could always cut that out, right?"
Dan nods and bites his lip.

Dans POV:

We had continued filming, doing embarrassing dares that will more than likely ruin my reputation online, but than I thought

What reputation?

Filming with Phil was really fun, and I hope that our fans will really like this one!

Phil's POV:

Filming so far was great! The questions were really random and funny to answer. You never know what to expect from our viewers, so that makes it way better. We were just about finished filming when Dan found another question. Dan looked at me and smirked. I shot him a confused facial expression, than he read the question from his phone aloud.
"It would literally make my day if you two kissed on camera!" My heart basically stopped.


Why would Dan even read a question like that? We ignore tweets like that.
"Um, Dan?" I ask.
"Yea, Phil?" He replies, chuckling lightly.
It's like he doesn't know what he's doing.
"Why did you read that aloud?"
"Why shouldn't I?"
I think for a moment. Come to think of it, I don't really know what were hiding and what's so secret.

Everyone claims that me and Dan are hiding some secret romantic relationship, which we are not. We're still best friends, but we still had a mini problem with Phan.

Dans POV:

What was happening?

"Ok, first, we can always cut this out of the video and second, why are you acting so weird all of a sudden?" I sort of blurt.
Phil had a sad facial expression.
"I know, I just, never mind." Phil shakes his head and we both focus our attention back on the question.
We look at each other. His icy blue eyes lock with mine again, and I get the sudden feeling of electric shock running through me. That sudden spark of electricity I get every time I lock eyes with that beautiful's half the reason I fell for him when we first skyped.

Phil's POV:

Dan's chocolatey brown eyes meet mine, and he has that soft expression which made me wanna tackle him into a massive hug like I did in the first Phil is Not on Fire. I swear, back then things were just magical.

Having found that one person that you really and truly care about, and love even. Of course, me and Dan did love each other as close friends and flatmates..but something more?
I have always wondered what Dan was thinking behind that smile, behind those charming eyes. It spooked me sometimes thinking that someone like Dan Howell could even love me, but I was lucky enough to even be able to call him my friend.

He's helped me through so much and I had to return the favour. That was our past, and now is the future. The past was far behind us. But the future stands now.

Dan literally snaps me out of my deep thoughts and concepts of time.
"Hey, Phil! You there?" He snaps his fingers in my face until I shake my head and snap out of it.
"Oh! Heh yea, what were you saying?" I said quickly.
There was a pause.
"I was actually thinking...should we, you know...kiss?"

Authors POV:

Phil's heart was racing, along with Dan's. They weren't sure if their heartbeat rates were natural or not.
They both looked at each other awkwardly. It was very clear through their videos together that they have feelings for each other they admit, but being able to actually admit it to each other on camera was difficult to them both.
"Y-y-you wanna tell them?" Phil nervously said.
He wasn't sure if he was ready to show all of YouTube his feelings for Dan, but they have been keeping everyone guessing for ages.
"I-it's up to you, Phil," Dan stuttered.
Phil took deep breaths and faced the camera. He wanted to bury his head in his hands, but he knew that would smudge his whiskers.
Phil sits closer to Dan and whispers,
"I love you so much Dan. And no, this is not a prank!" Phil rushed at the end.
He covered the distance and pressed his lips to Dan's, who immediately kissed back. Phil grew a bit more confidant, but also terrified.
"I love you too, you dork," Dan mumbled against his lips.
They proceeded kissing.


Dan and Phil sit at the desk in their randomized lounge, editing the video. They had quite a laugh re watching Dan and Phil's impressions of each other, along with Phil singing Anaconda. They both knew it would crack everyone up.
After fixing a few minor things, Phil had highlighted the last clip of the video. The long clip where they came out and were kissing.

They stared longly at each other again. But this stare wasn't lovey and full of fluff like most. This one was nervousness, and seriousness.
"So, do you um want this in here?..A-are you ready, Phil? To tell everyone our big secret?"

I guess Dan didn't notice the giant weight of pressure he applied to Phil's shoulders. Everything was his decision again! He had the life of the phandom at the base of his fingertips. Phil could make the decision of coming out with Dan and telling the entire YouTube community, everyone at BBC Radio, also the phandom their biggest secret that could change everything, or he could just say he was not ready.

Phil gulped, and Dan see's the worry on his friends face and doesn't rush him. Dan puts his hand on Phil's shoulder to comfort him.
"Um b-babe? I don't think I'm ready yet.." Mumbles Phil.
Dan asks if Phil's sure and than deletes the clip. Phil breathes in relief. Than god that was over. He had thought he had made the right decision.


Phil had found out later that Dan wasn't really ready either, so that made him feel even better. Dan brushed Phil's fringe from bus forehead and laid a soft kiss on it.
"Maybe someday, love," said Dan, ever so softly.
Phil nods and drifts asleep in his partners warm embrace.


Hai c: ok, you can start annoying me about this chapter. Too many POV changes >__< I'm sorry, it was just late when I wrote this, and Ik I haven't updated in forever...❤️

Anyway, I love you loads and ty for reading.
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I love you all!!

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