Patch up....?

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Virat was sitting cursing Rohit with all his might. Poor jinks have to listen to all those just to make Virat eat. By the time Virat completed his cursing and eating Virat's anger subsided to a major extent. 

"You know what jinks, it's not completely Rohit's fault, that 'super clingy', 'super-stupid', 'brainless' Vishal is the main traitor" Virat whispered thinking deeply.

"ya..Of course, it's his mistake. It's him who ordered that Alo parata. It's him who started that fan wala topic and spoiled your mood. he just wants to prove like he is closer to Rohit." Virat brain suggested. 

"Who is this Vishal now?" Jinks asked curiously.

Virat somehow doesn't want to tell jinks about that 'unwanted' Vishal. He just knows that he hates Vishal unconditionally.

"I get some bad vibes from that idiotic man." Virat's brain reasoned.

"No one important," Virat said blankly and jinks didn't probe more. He has already developed a headache, thanks to virats cursing for almost an hour, now his brain can't bare anything more.

"How much ever-amusing these Virat-Rohit fights seem, they are really tiring to me." Jinks thought in self-pity.

Jinks left the room saying that he would be back. Just then Virats phone rung with Mahi Bhai flashing on it.

"Hello, Cheeku. Kise hu?" Mahi Bhai asked in clam concerned voice making Virat mood better in a second.

"I'm fine, Mahi Bhai," Virat replied smiling. Mahi asks this whenever he calls even if he calls twice or thrice a day and never he does that just for sake of it.

"Congrats bacha, You guys played very well and you were just awesome. you people completely deserved this win." Mahi praised making Virat smile all the more.

"And Virat, How is Rohit? You have to make sure,  he doesn't feel any pressure because of all the expectations on him." Mahi advised.

"I'm doing everything possible as captain Bhai," Virat replied blankly.

"Caption? .. You guys fought again?" MS signed tiredly.

"It was not my mistake this time." Virat cried like a stubborn kid.

"Ya.. right.. You are never at fault." Ms snapped.

"You will always take Rohit's side." Virat winced making MS sign. These kids will never grow up.

"Even I will talk to Viii Chachu." Virat heard Ziva's excited scream."Video call...Video call.." She chanted excitedly.. and Virat could imagine her jumping.

"Virat chachuuu...." Ziva Shouted excitedly as soon as she saw virat.

Rohit who came to check if Virat has clam down a bit, ran in as soon as heard Ziva's voice.

"Hi... Zivu.."Rohit said snatching phone from virat.

"Roooo Chachuuu..even you there?" Ziva said jumping up and down. The image was a blur due to continuous shacking of phone but who cares about that.

"I was talking to her,'' Virat shouted as he tried to snatch back the phone.

"And I'm talking to her now, so wait," Rohit said casually not giving the phone.

Soon they started a fight on Whom does Ziva loves more, forgetting about angry Ziva who was glaring at them due to lack of attention.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Ziva shouted making both of them look at her in shout.

"I don't love both of you. Ziva loves only Hardik. Munna I want to talk to Hardik...NOW." She shouted at both of them and ran to Saskhi trusting MS phone in his hand.

MS and Shakshi burst out laughing as Virat and Rohit sat there in shock.

"Why Is she so angry?" Rohit asked innocently.

"Be happy Ro.. if you go to her every time you both fight as you come to me, she will run after both of you with bat in her hand," MS warned.

"But why does she love Hardik more?" cried Virat.

"Because he gives her full attention unlike you both" MS reasoned "And switch to normal call, I have to talk to Rohit"

"This is my phone and I'm not giving it to him" Virat declared stubbornly.

"Cheeku" Came the stern voice and virat has to surrender.

Rohit took the phone and walked out with a victory grin making Virat sulk more.

"Stop girning Ro" MS warned.

"I was not." Rohit lied and added defensively, "Its virat who acted like a jerk this time."

"And I know you would have retorted back with the same behaviour," MS stated disapprovingly.

"You will always take Virat's side." Rohit cried.

"Achaa leave it. I want to talk about your game." Not wanting to hear about thier silly fight now.

"Just enjoy your game Rohit. Whatever may happen you will always find me behind you. Just remember that I trust you." MS said in a calm tone.

"you know what Mahi Bhai, 13 years my caption said me the words," Rohit replied smiling.

"Aha..aha.. But I'm not your Caption anymore though." Mahi said grinning.

"Nah... You are my Bhai now and I know you will always be my side." Rohit professed.

"And about the game, I'm positive Bhai. I know in this match I did not score big but I'm not gonna think about. I will give my hundred per cent in the next game." Rohit said confidently.

"Good and your fight with virat.... end it soon," MS said in a no-nonsense tone.

"Ok..Goodnight Bhai" Rohit mumbled.

Rohit walked back to see furious Virat and tired Jinks on the sofa.

"Were you complaining to him against me?" Rohit demanded.

"I did not say anything that you have not done." Virat snapped back.

"What about what you did? I left me there alone without a vehicle." pointed out Rohit as sat beside jinks.

"You came back anyway na.." Virat reasoned.

"Will you both stop fighting like Kindergarten kids" Jinks begged.

"And Ro, You shouldn't have eaten that Parata" Jinks chilled Rohit.

"Ohh.. please Jinks.. I have some brains. I didn't eat it." cried Rohit.

"You didn't, Then what did you eat?" virat asked suspiciously.

"The same thing that you ordered. You got only cabbage out of all the veggie soups. it was yuck." Rohit exclaimed making a face.

"It is healthy and it doesn't taste that bad," Virat said defensively.

"See I told you, he didn't eat that." Jinks came in between before they start fighting whether cabbage is good or bad.

"Ro, You sure you didn't eat both parata and Soup?"Virat asked calmly though he is feeling extremely happy that Rohit ate what he ordered not that oily parata ordered by that 'oily Vishal'

 "What the hell do you think I'm? you idiot, you think I'm an elephant." Rohit screamed as hit virat with a pillow.

"Acha.. Sorry...Sorry...." Virat laughed out.

And soon  Rohit joined him too..... not having any heart to be mad at best friend anymore. Jinks was the happiest person there as don't have to listen to their complaints anymore. update...They patch up.. But will they fight again if Vishal comes back? Or Virat would deal with Vishal himself?

Sorry for all those who expected pure Rohirat thing. But being a Crazy MSDian from bottom of my heart I could not help but drag Mahi Bhai into everything I write(Closing my eyes). So please bear with me.


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