A Relay, Realy?

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Hiya readers, hope you enjoy reading!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Usually I hate running and avoid it at all costs. My motto is not to run if nothing is chasing me even then it was a slim chance I would choose run instead of duck for cover, but it's just my luck to be trapped in a world where your primary mode of transport was your legs and on missions there was always the possibility someone or something was actually chasing you. Well my parents always told me to get more exercise, I just don't think this was exactly what they meant.

"Our next event will be a Relay." I blinked at Kiba with more than slight confusion because correct me if I'm wrong but don't you need more than two people on a relay team?

"Don't we need more people? Like there are only two people on each team?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"It will be fine (Y/N), we have enough people." He pulled a kunai out of his weapon pouch. "We will use a kunai to pass from person to person. The course will be from here until the water's edge. One teammate will be stationed at the half way point."

"Uh..." I raised my hand to protest, but put it down after not being able to find any reason other than 'No, I hate running and you can't make me!'and I don't think Kiba would accept that as a good argument...

"What was that (Y/n)?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing I was just thinking of how we are going to win. " I tried to say confidentiality.

"Oh, is that so?" He asked with a smirked.

'What's with people in this universe and calling out my bluffs!?' "Of course! We will finish long before you can even blink!" 'Don't mind me just digging a hole, just digging myself a hole!'

"Then let the race begin!" Kiba announced as we all got into our positions. As I passed Hinata I gave her an apologetic look then took my place next to Shino at the halfway point.

At the count of three they took of with Kiba and Akamaru taking an early lead. Two things became clear as they neared the area where Shino and I stood. One, I should have shut my mouth and two, the other team had a good head start.

'It's up to me.' I thought as I took the kunai from Hinata then I took up in a sprint. Face first into a tree... Yeah, good to see that training I did with the personification of teen angst did nothing.

"Are... are you okay, (Y/n)?" Hinata asked worriedly as I slid down the tree trunk. With my face pressed into the dirt I gave a thumbs up in the general direction of her voice.

I got up and ran towards the water's edge, while tripping over rocks and tree roots. I'm seriously rethinking being a ninja... Shino pasted me after I faceplanted for the fourth time over a rock.

'Why did I gloat?' I groaned as I finally reached the bank of the river. Well I think it's a river, but it could be a lake.  'Focus, (Y/n) we don't have time to analyze what body of water this is!'

I turned and ran towards Hinata with the kunai, which I was surprised I hadn't stabbed myself with at this point, with a look of determination. I handed the small blade to her and she took off towards the finish line...

"What was that you said about beating us, (Y/n)?" I turned to Kiba, who had a triumphant smirk on his face, with a glare. 'Note to self, don't gloat.' "Next round is hand to hand combat."

I groaned and nearly fell to the floor, dramatically yelling 'No!' at the heavens while ran fell from the sky out of nowhere.

'Yeah, we are doomed...' Yes, my dad had taught my sister and I the basics so that we could defend ourselves if needed, but that doesn't mean I can go up against highly trained ninja!

I was going to fight Kiba and Akamaru, while Hinata faced Shino. Let me spare you the details of my fight since all I really did was run in circles. What? If it's a good enough strategy to fight bosses in The Legend of Zelda then it's a good enough strategy to fight a genin and his highly trained ninja dog.

Yes, we lost by a lot and Kiba probably won't let me live down my loss after gloating. There is also the fact that Hinata and I have to by him and Shino dinner, but it's not like I'm completely broke thanks to missions like, pulling weeds and finding lost pets.

"So were do you want to go eat?" I asked while checking my, almost empty, wallet.

"I'm in the mood for some ramen." He put his arms behind his head, while Akamaru stuck his head out of Kiba's hoodie, and turned his head towards Shino. "How 'bout you, Shino?"

"I agree." With that we started making our way to Ichiraku and I couldn't help but hang my head.' Why not a place where main characters don't go in the anime? Like that place Yuma took me to when I met his team? I can't remember the name, but they had some good food!'

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" I turned to Hinata with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about how we are going to win next time!"

The rest of the night was filled with us talking, laughing, taking pictures of my new friends and even bumping into Mr. Akira. It was a fun, but tiring day and I was able to forget I wasn't a part of this world a few days ago. I couldn't wait to get back to the apartment, where I could faceplant into bed and sleep.

Hello readers!
Yes, I'm not dead. Exams finished back in November and I just was too drained to write, but I'm back from my break to post the end to this filler arc and one of the last arcs of this book. I won't tell you how many arcs are left before we reach the end, but as always thank you for reading and please tell me in anyone was OOC or there is any errors.

- Knight

P. S. I would like to with everyone a Happy Holidays, Hainica and a Happy New Year!

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