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Please take a look at this before continuing on. Thank you

So I feel like I should write a warning since this is about self-harm. this is going to be about self-harm and my experiences with it. I am by no means saying that people should do it, that is the opposite of what I want. if anybody has a problem with self-harm or makes fun of people that do it or have done it, then just  don't read this.  I hope that  anybody who had scars know that those scars are apart of you and you are just as beautiful/handsome with them as you would be without them. I know that everybody has a story and a reason on why they did it, so I am doing this to show that it is okay to share your story. 

In this I am keeping everything private so I am not going to mention any names of the people that I am talking about, so I am sorry if you get confused because I'm going to say they, them, and things like that so sorry in advance. I will try to put in enough description about them so that you know the difference between each of the people I will talk about it in this thing. 

if you are uncomfortable about reading something like this then please don't read it.

Alright hope you are all ready. If nobody told you that they loved you, I love you <3 you are a amazing human being and you will be okay.

My Scars, My StoryWhere stories live. Discover now