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Y/n prov~

It has been 3 days since the experiment and I've been feeling funny. Also I've got powers...yep ever since those painful injections Ive been gaining the ability to lift things in a s/c ura and I can teleport to some places in the lab. Gaster has also been really nice to me...it's suspicious. Ether way I still wanna go home...to sans.

Sans prov~

It has been 3 days. 3 days Alfyis and I have been tracking y/n. 3 days since I lost them. I was in Alfyis lab drinking coffee to keep awake since I haven't slept in well 3 days. " S-sans, I found s-something..." Alfyis yelled from the other lab. I got up and sprinted to Alfyis with no hesitation. " Alf!! What did you find " I said startling Alfyis. " I-I located y/n. They a-are in my o-old lab in the underground " Alfyis said in a serious tone. My fists clenched in anger. ' you idiot sans. Of course he would use his lab ' I thought as I grabbed a cup of coffee and skulled it. Once it was done I teleported to the underground. I'll save you y/n.

??? Prov~

I was in Snowdin, wandering the empty streets. I loved how quiet and lonely it was. As I kept on wandering I heard a warping sound so I jumped into a bush. I look at the direction the warping sound came from. I saw an uncontious skeleton with a blue hoodie and black boxers. I got out of the bush and headed to the skeleton. I lifted him up and got a better look at him. 'Damn...he looks wrecked ' I thought as I slumed him over my shoulder's. I then carried him to my hidden house in waterfall.

Once I got to my home, I opened the door and made my way to the couch. I placed the skeleton on the couch and put a pillow under his skull and a blanket over him. " Why is this trash bag here" a formilia voice groaned in annoyence, which is non other than flowey " You know him " I said in confusion. " Well of course I do, he's sans " flowey replied scoffing and looking towards me. I sighed. Why is he here?

Your prov~

" Y/n! Come here" Gaster yelled from the other room. Without hesitation I got up and walked to Gaster. The room was dark and had an edgy vibe but I entered anyway. I was soon knocked uncontious... everything went blank... The last thing I heard was an evil chuckle... Gaster you bitch...

436 words

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