Jason Grace x Reader (More Than Best Friends)

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My name is y/n l/n and I'm 16 years old. I've been at Camp Half-Blood ever since I was born, Chiron had basically raised me and I see him as my second father. Being at Camp Half-Blood, you would think I would be a Greek demigod, but I'm not. I'm actually a Roman demigod. My father is Neptune, God of Earthquakes and Horses, God of Hurricanes and Storms and Lord of the Seas. You might be wondering about my mother, well like I said, I've been at camp since I was born so I don't even know who she is. I don't even know why I was dropped off at camp at such a young age.

Being a daughter of Neptune, I possess quite a few abilities and powers from my father. Some, if not all of my abilities and powers are; Hydrokinesis which allows me to have absolute control over water like my father, only to a much lesser extent. Hydrokinesis also allows me to withstand any amount of water pressure, I can generate water from my body, use sea waves as a form of teleportation, I can breathe underwater and communicate with any sea creatures. Geokinesis gives me the ability to cause earthquakes. It also allows me to create fissures in the ground, move the earth and manipulate the ground. Aerokinesis allows me to control the weather over the seas. I can create powerful storms, hurricanes and personal hurricanes.

At camp, I stayed in cabin 3, Poseidon's (Greek counterpart of Neptune) cabin. The cabin is low, long and solid, with all the windows facing the sea. The outer walls are rough grey stone with pieces of seashell and coral that look like the bottom of the ocean floor. The walls glow like abalone.

For 12 years I lived in the cabin by myself and I was lonely. But one day, a boy with sea green eyes and jet black hair was being chased by a Minotaur, a monster with a head of a bull and the body of a man. The boy however wasn't alone. Chiron, the camps director who is also a centaur, sent Grover Underwood, a satyr, out to find demigods and by the looks of it, the boy was a powerful demigod. My suspicion was proven right when the boy was claimed by Poseidon, God of Sea, Storms, Earthquakes and Horses, King of Atlantis, The Earthshaker and The Stormbringer. When I heard that the boy, who I now know as Percy Jackson, was claimed by Poseidon, I was really happy because it meant that I now have a brother. We talked and hung out a lot and became really close. I was so happy to have a sibling.

A couple years after Percy arrived, more demigods have been showing up and being claimed and it's all thanks to Percy. He saved Olympus multiple times. The Gods even offered Percy Godhood, but he passed and instead asked for the Gods and Goddesses to stop ignoring their children and to have them claimed as soon as they arrive to camp. Because of Percy, the Gods have realised their wrong doings and have stopped neglecting their children becoming more involved with their lives.

One day at camp, three new demigods had arrived. I was on border control when I spotted two boys and a girl walking up to camp. I was going to alert Chiron, but then I decided to go over to them, introduce myself and find out who they are. When I got to them, I told them my name and where they are.

The girl with brown hair and brown eyes introduced herself and said that her name is Piper McLean. As soon as she said her name, she started glowing with a pink aura surrounding her. When she stopped glowing, she was no longer wearing her tattered clothing, but a midnight blue, knee length dress, with a one shoulder sleeve. Her once messy brown hair is now braided and is hanging down her left shoulder. Instead of dirty white converse shoes, she had short black heels. And finally, all the dirt and grime that was on her face was cleared off, leaving nothing but flawless skin. After the transformation, the two boys looked at her in shock whereas I told her that she just got claimed and blessed by her mother Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Lust, Sexuality, Desire and Pleasure and Lady of the Doves. Piper didn't seem all that thrilled considering she wasn't like her mother at all.

After getting over the shock of the transformation, Piper turned to the boy with black hair, brown eyes and looks like a Latino elf. After flirting with me and failing, he introduced himself as Leo Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme. Just like Piper, as soon as he said his name, a red fiery hammer symbol appeared above his head, signalling that he has just been claimed. I told Leo that his father is Hephaestus, Blacksmith of the Gods, God of Fire, The Forge and Volcanoes, Lord of Craftsmen and Smiths. Leo got excited and started to produce fire on his body. Piper and the other boy had a look of shock on their faces, I, however, summoned water and doused Leo with it, extinguishing the fire. Leo looked down in embarrassment and I went over to him and patted him on the back, telling him that he is the only child of Hephaestus who has the ability to produce fire, which he was really happy about.

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