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Taeil:"please cut the mushroom into small pieces and be gentle.Bring me my grinding pot and the gringer...and that purple liquid on the top shelf"he instructed precisely and they all did as told
Mark:"will we need to use powers?"
Jeno:"yup.It requires four people's powers and luckily,we have sir Kun"
Kun:"just call me Kun"he said with a sweet smile and the prince returned it
Jeno:"okay then"
Johnny:"how did you become the king of an abandoned world?"
Kun:"well when I died,I woke up on a giant bed and saw this ring on my fingers...I wanted answers and then I stumbled upon a book and everything I needed to know was there and so I knew I was the king...I don't really know why or how but I guess God thought I was the right person for that"
Yuta:"why didn't God give me powers or a super cool position like a king or prince"
Kun:"if you want,you can come to my world and be the head gardener...or like lab worker or something..."
Yuta:"wait are you for real?"
Kun:"yes actually...I only have like two people working on that field so it would be a pleasure for someone to jo-"
Taeil:"the spell is done!!!"
Mark:"that took like 10 minutes"
Taeil:"it's cuz Jeno is so gentle and quick.So it's done already"
Jeno:"I can't believe it.We're a step closer to finding the underworld"
Taeil:"you're doing amazing guys"
Jeno:"let's not forget Jisungie"
Yuta:"that brat"
Jeno:"hyung.He's just stressed about the three angels...He didn't really mean what he said,he would never use his position against people"
Johnny:"wait so are you really Japanese?"
Yuta:"yeah...I mean isn't it obvious?"
The Japanese got startled again and glared at the youngest
Jisung:"sorry about my attitude back there..."
Yuta:"nahh don't sweat it kid.We just have to hurry to find your friends,okay?"
Taeil:"let's go...the sea world is...strange.Luckily I know where the main gate is so you can find the ruler's son"
Mark:"you do?"
Taeil:"yup...I tried it various times..."
Jisung:"how come?"
Taeil:"that doesn't matter really..let's just hurry"
Johnny:"he's right,let's do this"
Mark:"so..sea world"
Taeil:"who goes first?"
Jeno:"can I try?"
Yuta:"I'll go with him"
Taeil:"okay we have the first duo...here are everyone's potions"

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