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My head hurts....

What's going on??

My head hurts...

I could hear a voice.... it's telling me to wake up....

" Wake up." I could feel something hit my forehead, I groaned, fluttering my eyes open.
My vision was blurry, but all I could see was something red with a funny looking hat on its head.

"Britain, can we just leave this... thing.. behind?"

"good heavens, NO! We can't leave this poor thing out here! If your afraid of  UN, we can talk this out with him.. I don't know with EU though.."

Who are they talking about?

"For the love of— look Britain I just came out here for a walk, and this thing.. bloody looking thing came out from nowhere and dropped from the sky- the hell is this supposed to be? A dead angel?"

dead? Wait am I? 

My vision started adjusting a bit and— wait why is the red thing still there- what's with the hat?

"Eh?— who are you gu-" I froze when he positioned his gun, pointed at my head, "DONT MOVE-"
"Soviet NO! She isn't a threat!-"

The man? scoffed, "are you fucking kidding me? 'Not a threat' Britain- who knows who the hell were bringing the mansion and you just say it's not a threat- OF COURSE THEY MIGHT BE A THREAT!" His gun now pointing at the the other man

He scoffed and pushed the gun aside, he walked over to me and kneeled down, "are you okay dear?"
He had a flag on his face symbolising Britain- wAiT is this Britain? HolY SHIT-

You snickered, "eh?- what's so funny?"
"N-nothing sir- and y-yes I'm okay-"


"Now I can tell you're not from here correct?"
"Well.. yes.. wait..- what do you mean not from here? What is this place?"

He looked at Soviet who was lighting up a cigarette, it took Soviet a few seconds to notice him, "what?-"
"Never mind.." he looked back at me, "so you see darling.. this isn't your world where tons of people are crowded- this place only has a few hundred humans living here.. as you can see we have flags on our faces-"

You couldn't help but let out a another snicker,
Britain cocked a brow not really getting why you'd find it funny, "sorry sorry- continue please-"

He paused for a few seconds before resuming, "so like I said.. we have flags on our faces.. we're basically called country humans.. since well.. you get it right? We're human and we're countries-"

"It knows Britain, plus pretty sure it ain't stupid."

You frowned, "Hey I have a gender ya know! You can't just call me by it-"
"Don't care sweetheart. If I call you by 'IT' , it's my choice."

Wow this guys an ass,

"Well okay,"  you then murmured, "fuckhead-"

"I heard that you fucking Di-"

"Alright enough with the foul words!" Britain says angrily, before turning to you,
"Anyways darling.. we will be going now.. why don't you come with us? It's cold out here.."

"Britain don't, EU won't accept-"

"Shush Soviet, I'm sure they will allow, now we can't leave this poor thing behind to freeze right?-" He then helps you up,


You were shaking violently, damn since when did the cold hit all the sudden, you were breathing heavily just struggling through the cold,

Soviet noticed and rolled his eyes, "what? Can't handle the cold?" He smirked,
You didn't respond,

He sighed and took his large coat off, placing it on your shoulders,

Damn this thing is HEAVY-  what is this man madE OF?! Or what IS THIS COAT EVEN MADE OF?!

"What? You don't want my coat? Then I'll just take it back then-"

You smacked his hand away, "no.. it's good.. thanks.."
You say.

"Ouch that hurt ya know?" He chuckled, "also. Your kind of small for a human, are you really small or I'm jus that tall?" He chuckled.

You just shook your head, "Hey! Don't make fun of my height!! It's not my fault your a mountain!"

Soviet bursted out laughing, "mountain? ReallY?"

Mine to keep~ [USSR x READER](under editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant