- 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔

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"Wait!" (Y/n) yelled as she waved her hands for the bus to not leave. Thankfully the bus driver was kind enough to not go without her. But when she entered the bus, the bus driver gave her a nasty side eye.
She shivered at the sight of it and whispered a little "sorry". (Y/n) looked around the bus and noticed almost every seat was taken by two people, she then noticed that there was one empty seat.
A man was sitting by himself, his head resting against the bus window. (Y/n) smiled to herself because she didn't have to wait for the other bus. She made her way towards the man and sat down next to him.
Arthur glanced at her but then looked away, he just looked at all the big buildings of Gotham. The bus ride was quiet until (Y/n) heard some shuffling and a child giggling.
I looked to my right to see the man making funny faces at the child in front of him; who was facing him. A little smile form on my lips as the man covered his face with his hands and then parted his hands to reveal a surprised face.
Another laugh came from the child and another giggle came from (Y/n). Arthur took notice of this and it drove him to keep doing it.
Arthur keep on making faces but stopped when hearing a woman's already annoyed tone say, "can you please stop bothering my kid?" A small frown replaced (Y/n's) smile, "Oh I wasn't bothering him, I was-" he was interrupted by the woman.
"Just stop." She said in a firm voice before turning her kid around and telling him to seat down correctly. (Y/n) was about to say something to the woman but loud laughter stopped her. Her body had jolted at first, She turned her head to the man and empathy quickly replaced every thought in her head.
She observed that the man was covering his mouth, he was trying to contain his laughter. (Y/n) is a doctor and she knew the man could not control this laugher.
Arthur was shaking his head as the laughter stopped for a brief moment before starting up again but stronger. The woman was giving in a dirty look, she thought he was laughing at her.
(Y/n) noticed the sadness in his eyes, the laughter caused him pain. She looked around and saw some people looking at the man. "You think that's funny?" The woman finally spoke out, Arthur shook his head again and gave her a card while still not able to stop laughing. (Y/n) knew the woman didn't care to read the card, she just turned her body to the front and ignored the man.
(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and she gently tapped on the woman's shoulder, The woman turned her head to look at her. "I'm pretty sure that card says to give the card back so please give it back to him." She sternly but politely said.
The woman scoffed as if she was irked by what (Y/n) said. The woman handed the card to (Y/n) but she shakes her head. "Not to me. To him." She motions to the man.
The woman sighs annoyingly and gives Arthur his card back, thankfully his laughter had subsided. "Thank you." (Y/n) said with a little condescending smirk on her lips. Arthur looked at (Y/n) and he had a smile on his face.
"Thank you... but you didn't have to do that. No one has really helped me like that." The man said, (Y/n) smiled at him. She then pointed at the card and then looked up at him, "can I read your card? I promise I'd give it back to you." (Y/n) joked and the man gave a little laugh; scared for his condition to start up again.
Arthur then gave (Y/n) his card and she started to read it. He noticed the she veritably took the time to read every word on the card, nobody ever actually read his card.
"Pathological Laughter... I really wish people could take the liberty to understand what that is and what you're going through." She said as she gave the man back his card. Arthur just nodded, "My name is (Y/n) by the way." She said with a smile. If Arthur could put her smile into words it would be angelic.
"M-My name is Arthur." He introduced himself. (Y/n) smiled at Arthur and not one of those sorry smiles he would get, but a genuine smile.
Then both of their bodies were pulled toward then back, the bus just stopped. (Y/n) realized that this was her stop and she then got up. Arthur frowned, (Y/n) looked at Arthur and she gave him one last smile.
That smile made his heart swell up with happiness and gave her a smile too, "see you around, Arthur." She said before exiting the bus.
Those four words stuck with Arthur throughout the whole bus ride. He wanted to see her again. Once he got home, he wrote about (Y/n) and her smile in his journal.

Arthur Fleck/joker x reader oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن