•A sleepover and a killer•

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Inside of this backpack hide my chainsaw. I use it for my rivals. Who touch my boyfriend will have a meeting with this little monster!

Ahem, anyway, let's have some fun!
I have some people in my head to kill it. I will not kill EVERYBODY in the school...! Just my rivals.
Well, let's see...


My finally enemy will be America.
This is easy, yeah! I can do that easily!
It's Saturday, I see Philippines who always get up at 9:30 and do his running. Perfect! My first rival!

I go hide somewhere where he can't see me and see him. He left his home and put his headphones (no, airpods)
He will not hear my chainsaw then!
I follow him carefully and hide where I can. He stop and take his bottle of water, then sits on the grass. It's the perfect time!
I go to him: "Hey Philippines!"
He's surprise to see me. I never talk to him, he's friend with Russia but they're look really close now...

It was cold, everybody goes home and it was the Christmas holiday. I was sitting at a place and wait for my love. I saw him, and I saw Philippines too. He ran at him and hug him. He was surprised but hugged back. I had tears... But went to them. "Hey, Philippines...!" I told to him. "Hello! What's up?" he replied while hugging Russia. I started to sobbing but silently. Russia noticed it and stopped to hugging Philippines. "We're going in the mountain with my family. Do you want to go with us?" he said with a smile on his face. I nodded and hugged him. I looked at Philippines with a smirk to made him jealous and it worked really well! He went to Indonesia and Malaysia. I continued to hug him.
End of the flashback

He tell me he have to leave, but before he leaves, I grab his arm and push him to the ground and step on his chest: "You will stay here and leave when i say you can leave!". He try to go but I'm pressing on him so he can't move. I then take off my backpack and open it. I look if someone is here. There's nobody! And it's somewhere in the park where nobody can see us.
"You dare to touch my love and hug him, do you remember?". He look at me, confused: "... What? Who? What the hell are you talking about?!" he scream at me. "Of course, of course... You don't remember... But your death, you will remember it!" I take my chainsaw and start to make it work. He tries more and more to fight back and call for help. I shut his mouth: "Don't worry sweetie, it will be more painful if you resist...!" I put the chainsaw on his chest and start to open it. He stops yelling and spits blood out of his mouth. I continue. I finally finish to open his chest. There are his intestines, his heart, his lungs, in fact all that there is in a body... He is dead. -1 rival! There's 4 now...
I took the body and took it in my bag with my chainsaw in hand in a cemetery. And then I took a place where no one has yet dig and buries it down. I have blood everywhere... And I don't have any other clothes. That's sucks. Oh! And I take his organs in my backpack! I'm going to hang them on the walls of my house! Hihi!
10:20. Hmm... There's nobody in this park it's strange... But I try to go home with my dirty clothes. Hiding from people of course, I will not walk like that normally! I finally did it and enter quickly in my house. Oof... It was fantastic and funny! I then go in my room and take new clothes. A T-shirt Adidas, Russia give it to me and a simple grey Jean!
Costa Rica and Peru are sleeping I think and Argentina go with Spain somewhere I don't remember where I think of the doctor... Anyway I watch the TV. Oh boy. The news.
*Someone was walking his dog to the park when the dog suddenly felt a strange smell on the grass. It was like something that had dried on the grass but it was still fresh. The police arrived there and there is no doubt, it is blood belonging to this country, Philippines. the body of the victim has not yet been found.*
Suddenly I hear foot steps and close the TV. "Hey Mexico... You watched the TV off?" Costa Rica say to me with a little laugh. I smile and reply it's not interesting. He take his breakfast. I join him. "I was thinking about something and uh, I wanted to tell to mom but uh,..." I say hesitating. "I want to live on my own." he didn't say something but look at me confused: "Why? You don't like begin with us?" he say, eating his cereals. He finish it and get up. "If you want to live alone, you can, but why can't you go live with someone? Someone you like?".
That's not false... And I can live with Russia!!! We can go in a small apartment! Together! "You're a genius Costa Rica! Thank you! I will tell him and to mom!". I go up to my room and scream of joy!!! This will be amazing!!!

Canada's POV

I wake up at 10:50... It's too late! America is still sleeping on me. I wake him up and go prepare myself a little breakfast. He get up too. I see the note that Mexico let us. It's kind, we know that, he didn't "abandoned" us. "Where did he go??" ask me America with a tired voice. I give him the note. "He go home. And he tell us! Isn't that kind?". America just look at me and go throw the note in the trash. I just look at him angry but say nothing. This sleepover didn't help it get worst!
Hope someone will help them...

America's POV

I'm with Canada in the kitchen. Mexico left us. That's cool, I don't have to share my breakfast with this idiot. I turn on the TV and look what's there. TV reality, series dating, news, wait... A murder? "Hey! Someone died in the park!" I scream at Canada. He's surprise and ask who it was. I listen... It's... Philippines??!! What?! But... Why? And how? Wow... I saw him yesterday! And now... Gone?! That's... A very big surprise... I tell him: "... Philippines...". I was scared of his reaction... "WHAT?! Oh no! It's someone in the school!!!" he say with panic. I try to calm him down and tell that this could be anybody. He left a tear and nodded. Damn... It's scary... We have a killer in the city... Great!!!!.......


It's the end of this chapter! UwU
I hope you like it!~
Yandere Mexico... What the...-

๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat