
Merlin landed lightly, before dawn broke. He was near the village of Wyndeep, which was the village that was under attack. He flapped his wings a few more times, watching the brushes wave from the force of the wing caused by the bursts, then folded the wings to his back.

'Would it be worth it to hide them away..? No.' He shook his head, rolling his tense shoulders. He'd just stay out of sight, until Arthur impeccably got himself in a terrible situation.

Now to scout Wyndeep. It was a small village, much like Ealdor. Merlin felt a pang in his chest when he thought of that, realizing how it would have been so much worse had the chimera been attacking his home village. There were a few small farms and houses, and people milling about. But, there was something terribly wrong. The people all looked terrified, looking up at the sky with fearful expressions, skittering from house to house, not spending much time in the open. They all carried weapons, but by the looks of it, most of them don't know how to use them.

Merlin then saw the prince himself ride into the village, his knights following. He dismounted and stepped off the horse, and the people walked over to him, seeming confused, scared, and relieved. He sighed and relaxed, knowing that Arthur had gotten to the village safely.

"Tantum audi." He breathed, eyes flashing gold. His sense of hearing heightened, and he was able to hear Arthur's words from a distance, not having to move dangerously closer.

"Camelot has head that you needed help battling against a dangerous beast." Arthur stated, nor really asking, although he got a few responses of 'Yes', and 'Oh thank the lord'.

Arthur smiled and motioned to his knights. "We're here to help. When does the beast generally attack?"

Merlin had to hold back a chuckle, a wide smile on his face. He was glad Arthur wasn't being too pompous, not making a big deal of their arrival, just getting straight to the problem. That smile was wiped off his face too quickly as a shrill scream rose from one of the women, her shaking hand pointed up at the sky. It was here.

He whipped around, wings flaring ever so slightly at the sight of a massive winged creature, the chimera, parting it's jagged maw and letting out a roar, sounding half like a scream. It swooped lower to the village, fire bursting from it's open jaws.

Merlin inhaled and grabbed the cloak he had thrown beside him, pulling it around his shoulders. Navy blue and enchanted, it would hide his face, even when looking straight at someone. He spread his wings and took off, faster this time with the help of a magical updraft.

"Lucius Annaeus Seneca turpi bestia!" He roared, throwing out an arm. A bolt of magic flew from his hand, flying towards the chimera at a deadly speed. However, it struck and exploded, forcing the chimera backwards, but it stayed in the air with a bit of effort, blasting fire at Merlin.

He gasped as he was flung backwards, not too hurt, but the tips of his wings smoked, and he dropped altitude, closer to the village.

"What the hell is that!" Arthur shouted, and Merlin knew that he must have been pointing at the strange, golden winged creature that was himself.

However, the fear that lanced through his chest was quickly followed by a true pain, and he plummeted downwards, the chimera's claws digging into his chest. Merlin screamed, struggling to stay in the air, casting another spell at the chimera.

"Erunt cæcus!" He tried, and a fog of darkness spread around the eyes of the chimera, causing it to roar in anger, a fresh burst of fire leaping from it's jaws.

Merlin cried out again, finally tearing free of the vicious claws in his chest, spiraling to the side. He hadn't known how close he was to the ground, and all too soon crashed into the unforgiving ground, hitting his head hard.

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