Chapter 1

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Darryl sighed softly as he quickly pulled on his black converse, it was a long day for him. First he had three tests, then he had forgotten his lunch money, and then he had been invited to some random students party, no thanks to his roommate and now there was this drunkard he had to come deal with at the library he worked at. Apparently, the owner didn't want to deal with it himself as it was a teenager and he didn't usually like those, especially a drunk one, it was a wonder how Darryl was able to even get a job. Darryl groaned as he grabbed his house keys and began his small jog to the library. He didn't want to go too slow in case it was an emergency, but he also didn't want to go too fast as he was dreading seeing the boy, knowing for a fact it was going to be someone he recognised. He sighed as he put his hands in his hoodie and sped up a little, realising that the library had been left unattended once again, especially so late at night.
After around fifteen minutes, the building was in sight and he could almost hear the party from around the corner block. He groaned, already hating the thought of alcohol and loud noises and flashing lights and sweaty people. He chuckled at the last one as he opened the door for himself, before noticing the boy immediately...

"Uhh, hello?" He called to the younger, receiving no reply before staring at him intently. Darryl sighed crouching down in front of the drunk and sleepy boy before making the boy sit up properly with his two hands, which earned a small whine to escape the others trembling lips. The boy looked like hell. His hair messy and unkempt, his eyes bagged with black, bruises on his right cheek and he was shivering a lot. Darryl knew he had a hoodie on but it wasn't even that cold without it.

"Hey," Darryl whispered, getting the dizzy boy's attention, "Are you okay?"

The boy flinched at the boy's soft tone before sighing and nodding, not wanting to speak out of fear.

"Are yo- Okay Umm, What's your name?"

"Za-ak," the boy muttered from under his breath, holding his head with one hand as the world span.

"How did you get here, Zak?" Darryl asked calmly, this wasn't exactly the most normal occurrence but he had his fair share of experience with unwanted drinks and this boy definitely didn't look the type to be drinking.

Zak thought for a moment, smacking his lips together before his face fell forwards into Darryl's chest.

"Uhhh, Zak? Are you with me?"

Darryl felt Zak breathing, noting it as a good sign. He moved the boy's tanned hands to holding onto his shoulders as he stood up, lifting the younger with him as well. Making sure the younger was steady before trying to get him to a couch or chair to get him some water to help sober him up more. He sat Zak down at one of the tables in the library, silence pursuing as he saw the other lay his head down. He sighed as he left to the staff kitchen and got a glass of water, rushing back to the boy as to not leave him alone for too long.

"Zak? I'm uh, back," Darryl spoke placing the water next to the boy and then sitting next to him, shaking his arms lightly.

"Huh?" Zak paused, sitting his head up again, looking at the drink, "Don't want anymore alcohol, Dave."

Darryl sighed, he was right, this boy had been somewhat forced into it, "It's not alcohol Zak, it's just water to help you sober up. You're not with this Dave kid anymore, you're with me."

"Oh uh, I-I don't think," Zak took a small sip of water, testing it first for alcohol, "Dont think I caught your name, uh-"

"Darryl. Darryl Noveschoch... Now Zak," Darryl paused looking again at the confused boy, "How did you get here? Or at least, how did you get drunk?"

"I- Well, it's kinda a long story, Darryl."

"We have the time," Darryl said, rubbing the somewhat anxious boy's back. "If it helps, I promise I won't tell anyone else what you say."

"I, Okay! So I have this friend called Dave, right? I, wait, do you watch sports?"

"Uhh, sometimes, only my school sports."

"Alright, alright, what school do you go to?" Zak questioned quickly as he took another small sip of water.

"Uh, why?" Darryl was suspicious, "Is it really important? You're not gonna... stalk me, are you?"

Zak burst into giggles before replying, "No, I'm just curious if I know the team members, it'll help me describe the relationship I have with Dave."

Darryl 'oh'-ed and then chuckled, "McServer Highschool for Academics And Sporting Services."

Zak blanked for a second, his eyes staring at nothing as he thought hard, "Wait, that's my school. Uh, how old are you Darryl?"

"Um nineteen," Darryl spoke, "And you?"


"More like just seven," Darryl jokes with himself and Zak blanked him again.

"Right well, I'm Captain of the Invaded BaseBall Team and Dave's captain of the Hypixel Baseball Team, Okay?"

Darryl nodded, interested in what the boy had to say.

"Well, recently he's been having a lot of parties and I- I don't really like them because the people there call me a wuss when I don't drink and like- I just feel as though I'm constantly being trapped into doing things that I don't want to and-"

"They're peer-pressuring you?" Darryl asked, pulling a face, "That's horrible, what mean muffins."

"I guess but I ca- an't even do an- anything ab- about it either because if I tell the principal or the coach or something I've been to one of these parties I'll be kicked off because of our policies whereas Dave gets off scotch-free! Anyways so recently he's been having these parties, I don't usually get involved and we just talk in school, well the last time we had a bit of a fight. I got really, really drunk and I fought him. Then today he invited me to the party. I asked if there was gonna be alcohol and he lied to me. He lied to me! Like-"

Darryl made a noise of realisation, "When you say Dave, you mean Technoblade, right? He's in my math class, I know him."

"Oh yeah, I forgot we had that code name basis at school, sorry, my minds not working properly."

"Yeah, I wonder why," Darryl huffed, crossing his arms as the other got halfway through the glass and pushed it away. "Are you okay to walk home safely, Zak?"

Zak nodded, sighing softly before standing up and rubbing his eyes, smiling at the other quickly.

"See you soon, Darryl."

"See you later, you muffin." I Darryl waved to him as he left the library...

'Is Zak someone I should know?'

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