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Chapter Two : Strange Occurrences

    After meeting Tate Emaline had decided to keep it to herself, she wasn't the biggest on keeping secrets from her parents, it was only because her dad has a really strict rule against them being around his patients. It's not like Tate's dangerous, he's actually nice and she likes him so, yeah, keeping it a secret is something she can do.

    She sat at the dinner table as they ate take out Chinese, Ariana almost skipped out on dinner but Renee had caught her and forced her to come eat, their oldest was having a bit of issues with the move. It seemed that her feelings toward this house only made it worse on her, she just didn't like the place, and for what reason? Honestly, they weren't sure.

    Emie picked at her food thinking about Tate, he hung out for like 20 minutes, she couldn't believe how fast she developed her crush on him as she turned a bit red smiling down.

    "What's got you all smiley?" Jack asked.

    She looked at him, "aha, nothing just thinking about school," she made an excuse.

    "School has you smiling?"

    Ariana glanced at her, smirking, "school is translation for boy," she pointed out, "Emie's got a crush!"

    "Shut up," Emaline hid her face.

    "A crush? My little girl has a crush?" Renee acted shocked as she laughed, "is he cute?"


     She tried to ignore the subject as she took a bite of her food.

     "Must be," her sister laughed.

     They dropped the subject as Jackson and Renee wanted to announce something they decided to their girls, "we have something to tell you two," Jackson spoke.

    They looked at him as Renee grabbed his hand smiling, "we want to have another baby."

    It was a small shock, it's been a while since a baby's been in the house, hell Ariana was only a 1-year-old when Emaline was born, neither of them really had a baby around as a sibling. But the idea did make her a bit happy, "really?" Emie smiled, "congratulations!"

    She got up as she hugged her mom and dad real quick, Ariana bit her lip sitting there quietly.

    Renee looked at her, "Ariana, what do you think?" She asked hopeful as she reached out grabbed her oldest's hand.

    "I think..." Ariana gulped, "I don't know."

    "It'll be a change," Jack said, "but I think it's a good idea, we aren't getting any younger and we really do want another baby."

    "As our two babies are growing up and soon will be out of the house," Renee pointed out.

    Emaline smiled at that but had her own doubts like Ariana, she just wasn't one to voice them, Ariana was though.

    "So the baby is a replacement?" Ariana asked.

    "That's not what-"

     The redhead got up, "sorry I've lost my appetite," she turned on her heel as she walked out of the room. They couldn't stop her.

      Emaline looked down as Jack sighed, Renee bit her lip as she took a deep breath, "your sister has always been a complicated one, emotional and a spit-fire," she told her youngest, "but I know she'll accept this once she gets used to the idea of LA."

    The next day, Renee was out planting a garden, she loved to garden; it was one of her hobbies she's had since she was a girl. Planting flowers and fruits, it made her feel connected to the Earth plus she was fairly good at it. Her grandmother used to say that she was the only one who could get her almost dead plants to grow, as if she had a gift or something, ah, her grandmother was a bit senial though so.

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