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Her laugh died down and she caught me staring.

"Yo, you okay? You're really fucking red" She pointed out.

I felt my face grew warmer, if possible.

"I..um.." I tried to start a sentence but nothing would come out of my mouth.

Billie was about to speak up until a voice interrupted.

"Who the fuck are you" An arm wrapped around my waist.

I jolted and looked up to see the person I despise.


"The hell! Get your fucking filthy ass hands off me!" I yelled moving away from her.

A lump started to grow in my throat.


"The fuck, babe? You already found someone else that fast?" She smirked caressing my cheek.

"Get. Your. Crusty. Musty. Ass. Hands. Off. Me." I sneered slapping her hand away.

"Ouch, that hurt, baby" She faked being hurt by placing a hand over her chest along with a pout.

"Fuck off" I glared at her the lump in my throat continued to grow.

"We just started talking, Babe" She smirked and inched closer to me.

"Leave her the fuck alone, Bitch" A voice spoke and they got in between Sydney and I.

"Get the fuck away from me, Whore" Sydney sneered at Billie.

"The fuck did you say" Billie gave her a glare that if looks could kill Sydney would've been dead already.

"Billie I think we should go" I whispered to her pulling at the hem of Billie's red baggy shirt.

Billie gave her one last glare and pulled me away from Sydney.

"Leaving so soon?" Sydney said with a smirk.

Billie replied with her middle finger and continued walking until we were out of the mall.

"What a fucking bitch" Billie sneered.

"How could you date someone like that?" She asked her grip around my wrist tightened, her knuckles turned white.

"B-Billie, you're h-hurting me" I stuttered, wincing in pain.

"Sorry" She mumbled and loosened her grip on my wrist.

"I'm still fucking confused on how you would date someone like her" She clenched her left fist.

"She was super nice when I met her. I didn't think she would turn into a huge ass bitch over the years" I said and walked to my car when Billie finally let go of my wrist.

She followed me to my car and she stared at it with awe.

"Holy fucking shit! Are you fucking rich or some shit!" She gaped and ran her hand from the back to the front of the lamborghini.

"Not really" I chuckled.

"Fucking shit, bro! Take me on a ride sometime!" She suggested.

"Why not right now?" I said smirking.

"Holy shit, for reals!" She giggled.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Have you ever been in one?" I asked her.

"No.." She said her gaze fell onto the ground.

"For reals? I thought you would have been in one already" I said chuckling.

"I... Shush" She giggled.

My Girl || B.E ✓Where stories live. Discover now