Keith runs towards her and slams her into the wall. Keith is taller and stronger but Yura's fighting style makes up for that disadvantage. She uses her legs as leverage to push him away and begins to try to cut him with her blade. Keith dodges her attacks and sweeps her off her feet.

She falls to the ground but knocks him down too. While they continue to fight I sneak out of the control room and launch myself into the green lion.


I hear applause and cheers for Lance and Atlas as I wait impatiently for Keith to get back. Then I see him fly out of the ship with Yura unconscious in his arms.

Hunk and Lance both hook onto the ship and bring it with us. Finally Keith gives the order for us to leave.

Keith's POV

We finally got to the Atlas, to regroup into finally figure out who Yura is. Shiro greeted me at the entrance and stared in awe at Yura as carried her into a medical room. Shiro said to me, "Do you know what she is?"

I nod slowly and respond, "She a Galra."

Shiro hums in agreement as he fiddles with his wedding ring. "Be careful. She seems like trouble. I'll send some men in there to interrogate her."

I nod in agreement and we both walk upstairs to the control room. Dr. Holt walks up to me with a hologram layout of her ship in front of him.

"Ah, Shiro and Keith I'm glad I found you, you wouldn't believe the discovery I made!"

"What is it?"

He says, "Her ship is made out the same material as the Atlas. It's remarkably similar to Altas, Voltron and Altean ships."

Shiro spins the hologram around looking at every part of it. "Amazing."

Shiro replicates the ship onto his arm and inspects it some more. "Let me know if there's any new discoveries."

"Oh, by the way, she is telling the truth out her ancestry...but she never spoke about her job. She...she was an assassin for Lotor and Zarkon. Keith, your mother mentioned her position with such grief. I'd talk to her to get into more detail about it."

I nod and continue walking down the hallway when a strong feeling of rage consumes me. Shiro runs up to grab me as my knees buckle beneath me.

My vision turns red as I push him away with a growl before I slam my back into the wall snapping me out of that trance.

"What the quiznak was that?!"

Shiro grabs my arm to steady me. "What was that?"

I shrug and wince as I stand up. I feel a sinking feeling as I run towards the control deck. I sit down and turn on the security cameras.

I bring it to the room I put Yura in and watch as the interrogation team shoots the camera.

I bolt for the room and kick down to door to find them pinning her down and taking her blood. She groans and kicks one of them off of her. I burst in and rip them off of her.


I throw one of the men across the room and help Yura out of the restraints. She growls and snaps at me as she holds her blades defensively.

"Stay back! I knew I shouldn't have trusted any of you!"

One of the men grabs a device out of his pocket and presses a button on it just as Shiro knocks him out with a punch.

My mom runs into the room and demands to know what happened immediately.

Once Shiro and I tell her she snatches the device out of the man's hand and stomps on it.

"Unbelievable! A mole right there in our ranks. He sent out a signal for a retrieval. He was going to capture her!"

I look back at Yura whos expression was a mix of shock, anger, and fear. Her fluffy ears lower and stay slick by her face just like a defensive cat would.

I put one hand behind me to motion for Shiro and my mom to stay there while one hand was outstretched to Yura.

She fidgets a little from suspiciousness as I slowly move closer to her.

"Yura, that wasn't meant to happen. I understand how you feel, okay? Can we both calm down and talk this out?"

She growls and steps back snapping back, "Why would I trust you?!"

I think for a moment before responding, "Let me reintroduce myself. My name is Keith. That is my mom Krolia. I am half galra, half human. I was the former paladin of the red lion, and now am the black lion's paladin. I also am a member of the Blade."

Suddenly the alarms go off as Coran yells out through the speakers, "Enemy Galra ships in coming!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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