Part2 : She Ran

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       She was playing, enjoying life. Then they started picking on her, beating her up, and showing off. She became sad, frustrated, hurt, and and angry. When they weren't paying attention, she slowly ambled away. When they saw her,  she was far enough away that everyone felt it wasn't worth it chasing her, she picked up the closest toy and ran. She ran and ran, until she reached her safe place.   ~ God'sPrincess96

    This particular story is a true one about a puppy who grew up with 13 siblings. They each took turns getting picked on, mostly in fun. As they are becoming a fewer amount staying with Momma Dog, and growing so fast, they tend to pick on the ones that are staying, the ones that have been separated from their besties (the ones who helped them feel strong, like they could conquer the world and protect each other until they died). They still have many really awesome family moments.
   Was it just me or do many of us feel like this at some point in our lives? And sometimes it feels like their is no safe person or place. I understand, I have been there many times. I also have trusted the wrong people, and held in the hurt and the secrets that I needed to tell someone, I have pushed away those who truly Loved me and would never have intentionally betrayed or hurt me.
   We all make mistakes. We all get hurt. We are human. We are not perfect. But we are Loved. We have hope when it feels like there is none. We have laughter when the situation is completely opposite. Why do we judge others, when we don't like being judged? Why do we yell, ignore, and hurt people, when we don't like that happening to us? How is anything to change for the better if each of us doesn't do our little part? Why is gossip, lying, and confusion in existence?  ~ God'sPrincess96

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