Ch. 5 Anxiety?!

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Roman's pov.

We all look questioning at patton. 'Why would he even ask that?'

Logan-"Patton I don't think that's going to wor-" Patton glares at Logan as the creature tilts his head at the name.

Patton-"okay not that.... An-anxiety?" Our eyes widen as the creature shakes his head up and down, and run in circles on his lap. 'What in the royal hell?!'

Patton-"Do you remember any of us Anxiety?" The creatu- I mean Anxiety looks at all of us and shakes his head no.

Patton-"uh well I'm Patton I'm Thomas's morality an-" "PPUURRRRR!!" Anxiety starts purring as he rubs at pattons hand.

Logan-"hhmmm.... it appears that he only knows Thomas's parts not actually our names. Anxiety?" Anxiety looks at Logan and tilts his head. "Do you know who I am, I'm Logan?" He shakes his head no. "I'm Logic." Anxiety starts purring again.

"That doesn't explain how this happened to him." We all looked at Anxiety who was still purring on pattons lap.

?-"I can explain." Looking over at the door, there stood an unknown person, but still looking like us of course.

?-"I am virgils Depression, I'm only here for Virgil until he came in having a panic attack. He... he. .. t-the shadows started wrapping around him and now he's like this. Idk why or how to change him back." He looks sad and worried for virg.

"Wait he had depression... from what?!" Depression glares at me.

D.-"From all the yelling and the downgrading you all did to him!! He would come here crying his eyes out without any of ya coming to see if he was okay. Except for you patton. He says your cool." I look down guiltily.

D.-"I couldn't even do my job right because of how bad I felt for him. I don't know how to fix this but you all better find out how. I'm not needed here anymore since he's like this." After that the Depression guy vanished away, leaving a lot of guilty people behind.

Logan-"Well I didn't expect that to happen.... I'll be in my room resreaching how to fix all this." He states as he too vanishes.

Patton-"Well I for one will enjoy my dark stranger son until this is fixed. Even if I didn't do anything I still feel quite bad." He starts waving his fingers making Anxiety reaching for them.

"Well then I'll go see if the dragon witch knows anything about this." I vanish to my room getting ready for a fierce battle.

'I'll get you back Virgil if it's the last thing I do!'

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