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Harper grunted as she heaved herself off a muddy ground and sat up. She winced as a bolt of pain struck through her skull. She felt a few streams of blood trickle down her forehead and moved to wipe it off. A large smear of blood came off onto her forearm along with a stinging pain from the large cut on her forehead.

She tried to swallow, realizing that her throat was actually quite dry. Harper looked around, taking in her surroundings for the first time. She seemed to be in a rain-forest type area with many different species of plants and fungi covering the ground. The only place where there wasn't any were the mossy banks of a large river.

Harper could feel her heartbeat speed up with excitement at the water that was right in front of her. How could she not have noticed before? She crawled forward and eagerly cupped the water into her hands, taking a long drink. Feeling a little better, Harper began cleaning out the various cuts and scrapes that littered her arms and legs. As she splashed water on her face to wash the mud and blood off, she realized something was missing. Something extremely important. Her memories.

All of her most important ones. She couldn't remember anything recent or former. The very memories that would've answered any significant question. Harper couldn't answer the question of 'what happened?' or 'where did all of these wounds come from?' Or even 'where is home?'

This brought about another pressing concern. Specifically, where was she?

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