Wedding day❤️💍 part 2

Începe de la început

David and Jen bean with love.

David leans over and kisses Jen passionately.

The whole crowd cheers and whistles

He picks her up and twirls her around the money is beautiful as the sun is starting to set.

Officiant: ladies and gentlemen me and mrs David schwimmer!!!

Jen and David raises their arms in the air as they walk down the aisle and hide and go spend a moment alone.

David: has a huge smile around his face
David: I can't believe it honey we're married you look absolutely stunning.
He says as he holds her hand and stares into her eyes.

Jen: ohh honey you look so handsome
I know it's amazing she says as she stares into his eyes.

They take a couple of pictures and then head
Down to their reception.

They walk into the beautiful reception as the sun is till setting and the beautiful string lights are just starting to turn on.

Everyone starts clapping and cheering for them to do their first dance.

They get in the middle of the room where they both gather together and dance their first dance together as Ed Sheeran performs perfect.

They both sway together as Ed serenades then. David twirls Jen around as they both laugh and gaze into each others eyes.

The photographer takes beautiful pictures of them.

As the first dance ends David and Jen pull in for a passionate kiss.

Finally they are able to go and mingle with their closest friends and family.

Everyone tells Jen how beautiful she looks

Jen hugs and and has a good time with her best girl friends.

They hang out with the rest of the starts drink wine and champagne and eat good food.

They are able to gather together with the whole cast
Matthew: I can't believe it you two are married could I be anymore excited?
Congrats you guys I'm so proud of you both.

Matt: I know it's pretty Amazing like who would've thought. Love you guys.

Jen and David: hug Matthew and Matt

Ohh M were just so glad that you guys can be here tonight and celebrate we love you guys.

They all hug.

Courtney and Lisa join in.

Everyone gathers together around them and snaps a picture of all 6 of us together.

The three couples get together
David and Jen
Matthew and court
And Matt and Lisa.

They dance the night away with everyone on the dance floor and David and Courtney even remember their routine.

Then finally it's midnight Jen and David both start getting ready to make their big exit.

They say goodbye and thanks to all their friends

Jen: thank you everyone for being here I love all of you guys so much and court thank you for allowing us to use your beautiful house as our venue it is perfect I love you so much.

They hug.

Courtney: of course anything for you guys sweetie I love you guys and congratulations.

Jen and David head out through the front door where a limo is waiting for them to take them home.

They arrive back at the house both of them so happy and tired.

Jen: I can't believe we're actually married I love you Dave she says.

David: I know it all feels like a dream I love you so much honey.

He kisses her passionately and picks her up as he carries her all the way up the stairs and to their bedroom.

He lays her on the bed and starts to kiss her neck passionately as he unzips her dress.

He gazed into her eyes and kisses her. I love you he whispers to her softly.

She kisses him back passionately and then lays back down on the bed.
Tonight was going to be a magical night.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum