chapter 55: always here

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> "What you may not know is that its twins." At this news everyone but Charlie looked surprised. Louis's head shot to me and then to my stomach.


> "Theres two?" Abby said standing up.


> "Yeah. Theres two." I touched my stomach looking down at it. Two of the world most wonderful babies ever. I lifted my eyes and looked at everyone in the room.


> "I know you all may hate me now. But you don't have to worry. I probably won't be staying here much longer." I nodded and started biting my lip.


> "What?!" Louis, Charlie and Liam all said at the same time. Charlie and Louis shot straight up.


> "We don't hate you." Liam told me.


> "Why are you leaving?" Charlie asked. "Where would you go?" Louis asked at the same time.


> "How could you leave us?" Zayn asked two seconds later.


> "Guys, I was just thinking. I mean I thought you all wouldn't want me around anymore. I'm having babies, twins. You guys all have careers and I could effect that. So it would be easier if I left wouldn't it?" I looked at all of them.


> "No! It wouldn't be easier. It wouldn't make any of us happier. Especially not Niall. We need you here and just because your having babies doesn't change how we see you. We all love and need you." Liam's words made me want to cry from happiness. I looked at the rest of the boys who were nodding agreeing with Liam.


> "You mean that?Because i know-" I started but was interrupted.


> "Carson! We love you. Your not leaving. Niall needs you here with us. We need you." Louis stood up and walked to me and he grabbed me and hugged me.I hugged him back. Before I knew it Zayn and Harry had joined the hug then Charlie and then Liam and Abby soon followed. We were all standing there in one big group hug.


> "Thank you guys." I told them all wiping a tear that had fallen.


> "We love you." Abby told me. "And congratulations. This is not a bad thing. Its beautiful." She smiled at me. I remembered why her and Harry had broken up and smiled knowing she would be here for me no matter what.


> "Thanks Abby. Its good to see you again." I hugged her again.


> "Its good to see you too." She hugged me back. I released her and saw Niall standing in the door way.


> "Niall." I smiled at him. The sight of him even after this crappy day brings a smile to my face.


> "Hey." He gave half smile back.


> "Niall, where'd you go man?" Zayn asked.


> "Just needed to think." Was his only reply.


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