Chapter 30: All Wet, Part 2

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On Sunday, they met at a river that ran through the campus for the morning swim. Akko carefully dunked the fishbowl in slow moving water so that Prof. Pisces could swim out safely. After Diana transformed to a fish, Akko changed into her usual merman form.

Together, they followed the river to the lake.

"Prof. Pisces, Akko told me about the exam. Thank you for your help," said Diana.

Akko translated, "She says you're welcome. She'll do her best to hold your aunt off, so don't tell anyone. LNN has many ears."

The sun lit the lake's surface, exposing various fish hiding among submerged plants and lily pads.

"It's quite nice here," said Diana as she looked around.

"I bought some snacks, Prof. Pisces," said Akko as she released a few very small seaweed pellets from a vial. "These are from Okinawa."

( Why thank you, Akko! ) Prof. Pisces sampled a pellet. ( This is quite different from the last one. )

"This has some crushed sea urchin in it."

( How interesting! ) Pisces nibbled another pellet. Diana swam next to a pellet and stared at it.

"You don't have to eat that, Diana. I have some in packages if you want to try. These are specially made for Prof. Pisces."

"Is that so? Perhaps, I'll try some while we study," said Diana.

They explored underwater plants and local wildlife. Diana seemed like a child who was discovering things for the first time. Akko wished that she could see her facial expression but she could tell Diana's reaction by her wiggling fins and tail. From time to time, Akko would give seaweed pellets to Prof. Pisces. She was still a fish so Akko had to be careful not to over feed her.

One hour passed quickly and they returned to their dive point. After dropping off Prof. Pisces in her office, Diana asked, "Do you mind if we swim with just the two of us?"

"Sure! When do you want to do it?"

"How about Saturday morning?"



On Monday, Diana received news from Juniper. "Amanda, Constanze, do you mind if we talk in your room after dinner?"

"Sure," replied Amanda. Constanze nodded.

"Can you come, Akko?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

They met there after dinner. Diana began to cast a spell, but Constanze stopped her and pointed to her bed. Akko immediately understood and guided Diana to the bed. "Sit close to me."

When the four of them were seated, Constanze pushed down on a bed post. As soon as the bed flipped, Diana yelped with surprise. Akko held her so that she landed on her lap when they fell into the cart. "It's ok. We're just going to her workshop."

The signal on the wall counted up to three and the cart careened down the railway. Diana threw her arms around her neck and screamed as the cart zigzagged through the dim corridor. She forgot that Diana wasn't very good with rides. Then the cart plummeted down and dumped them over a soft green couch. Constanze and Amanda landed in a sitting position but Akko landed awkwardly since Diana had wrapped her arms around her neck while her legs straddled her waist.

Amanda whistled. "Need a room?"

Diana gasped and tried to disentangle herself. Akko tried as well and they both fell off the couch with Diana landing on top of her.

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