"It's not too late for me to take you back to the hotel." Lewis put his arm around her shoulders.

"That won't be necessary, thanks." She looked at him and took a deep breath before going through.


"Before you head into your next meeting, there's something you should know Seb." Britta was glad she'd found him just before his disappeared for his planning meeting.

"If it's another bullcrap story, I really don't." He replied, rubbing his face tiredly. Although he'd not been asked by the media about the scandal that had surrounded him for the last month, he could see by the looks on every single journo's face that they'd been dying to mention it. Luckily Britta's stark warnings before hand had done the trick.

"Scarlett's here, in Sochi. There's a good chance she'll turn up here. She's been pictured near a hotel."

Seb sucked in a breath, this was the last thing he'd expected to hear. If she was here then she must be getting better. Was she here to see him? Mattia? Was she to be a guest of the team today? He really hoped she'd want to see him. It was a small glimpse of light at the end of what had been a long dark tunnel for him. "Let me see." He held his hand out for her phone and she quickly pulled up the photo she'd seen on a gossip magazine's website for him to look at. He frowned as he looked at it, at first he wasn't sure if it was her; her long blonde hair had gone, replaced by a shorter, rich brown, style that was softly tousled and finished at her shoulders. Pictured wearing pale blue skinny jeans with a white off-the-shoulder top that had some kind of small black pattern woven into it and a pair of black high heeled sandals, she looked beautiful but to him she also looked shockingly thin. To the unknowing eye, you probably would never have known about the broken, emotional state she'd been in only a month ago, but he knew that her thin frame was a direct was result of that. It was also a direct result of his actions. Any relief he felt that knowing she was here was fleeting and replaced by guilt. He had to see her. Britta felt worried, yet again, about him as a range of emotions flashed across his face and he handed her phone back to her with a glum look.

"She looks very different, doesn't she. I just wanted to forewarn you, I didn't want you to see her and not be prepared." She suddenly wasn't sure if she'd done the right thing or not, she knew he'd go into this planning meeting now with his focus very much elsewhere.

"I want you to find out who she's here with and where she is, I've got to see her." He glanced around in case he saw her as he spoke to Britta.

"I don't think we should purposely seek her out. Let's see if she comes here."

"You're not hearing me Britta. I've got to see her." He replied firmly.

"I'll see what I can do." She walked away. Yes, saying something to him was definitely the wrong thing to have done. A flurry of activity caught her eye as half a dozen photographers swirled around Lewis as he walked into his team's hospitality unit. That was unusual, he usually had the same couple of men snapping away at him whenever he entered or left the paddock but six? But then she noticed the girl who was with him, the girl who's hand he was tightly holding as he disappeared through the automatic doors out of view, that had been Scarlett. Shit. Seb was not going to take this well when he found out.


An hour later Britta looked up from her diary to see Seb standing there, with Antti beside him.
"Well? What have you found out? Is she here?" He asked without even saying hello.

"You'd better sit down Seb." She pointed to a chair and watched as he sat down, while Antti kept standing, his attention caught by Mattia walking in with someone. She looked to see who he was looking at, only to see Scarlett with the team boss. Mattia had his hand on her back as he ushered her to a quiet table in a far corner. The sound of a chair scraping over the floor filled the room as Seb rose quickly his from his seat, he'd seen her. Their eyes met and locked across the room "Seb, please sit down. Give her some time before you go charging over there." Britta pulled at his hand, he totally ignored her. He couldn't even hear her. He couldn't even see the looks of warning he was getting from Mattia. He couldn't hear a thing or a see anything except her. His aching heart went out to her as he saw her thin frame, even the photo hadn't prepared him for seeing her like this now. He had to talk to her, he had to hear her voice, he had to touch her. "Sebastian, please, I'm begging you, sit down." Britta pulled on his hand once again. "Antti, get him out of here." She snapped. It was too late, he practically ran across the room only to be stopped by Mattia.

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